For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
ENFORCEMENT PERSONNEL. All law enforcement officers and supervisory personnel of the village.
VILLAGE PROPERTY. Any and all property owned or maintained by the village, specifically but not exclusively, all park areas and recreational areas.
('69 Code, § 138.01) (Ord. C-417, passed 1-12-76)
No person or persons, except with the written permission of the village, shall hold or attend any public meeting, discussion, debate, picnic, or gathering of any kind on or within village property, except that family parties or small groups of picnickers will not be required to obtain such written permission.
('69 Code, § 138.02) (Ord. C-417, passed 1-12-76) Penalty, see § 131.99
No person or persons, except with the written consent of the village, shall play upon or operate any musical instrument or hold any musical concert on or within village property.
('69 Code, § 138.03) (Ord. C-417, passed 1-12-76) Penalty, see § 131.99