(A) That all guardrails will be wood posts with galvanized metal cable systems.
(B) That native limestone rocks set in cement mortar shall be used on all culvert headwalls, bridge abutments, retaining walls of any type and any and all structures.
(C) That native limestone shall be used to line all culverts that are subject to erosion, and the rock shall be laid with no mortar and overlap like shingles on a roof. The rock shall be placed on the sides and bottom of the culverts or swales as required to handle typical water flows in ordinary storms.
(D) That all traffic signs and signs of any type shall be consolidated so there are an absolute minimum amount of posts or poles. Whenever possible, signs will be placed on existing electric or telephone utility poles.
(E) That concrete turf block shall be utilized on shoulder areas where cars routinely park. Vertical plastic marking posts will be eliminated.
(F) That black smooth-bore corrugated pipe shall be utilized for water transmission under driveways, etc. The village staff will ensure that this pipe is only used in locations where vehicle loads and water flow do not exceed design limitations for the piping.
(Res. 2007-08, passed 5-14-07)