The Council shall declare vacant the seat of any member who shall cease to be a resident of the Village, or who shall hold any other public office or employment except that of Mayor of the municipality, Notary Public, member of the Armed Forces of Ohio or the United States, or trustee or director without pay of any public institution or board. Council may also declare vacant the seat of any member who persistently fails to abide by the rules of the Council or who is otherwise guilty of misconduct affecting the performance of his duties as councilman, but such action shall be taken only upon the concurrence of five members of Council at a regular meeting of Council after service of notice upon such member of such proposed action at least 24 hours in advance of such meeting.
   The remaining members of Council shall, by majority vote, elect a successor to fill any vacancy however caused; providing that in the event of a vacancy in the seat of a member elected from a district of the municipality, his successor shall be chosen from the same district. If Council fails, by the conclusion of the second general meeting of Council following the establishment of a vacancy, to fill such vacancy, the Mayor shall fill it by appointment.