(A)   All residential subdivisions and industrial land developments shall be provided with a storm water management system which is adequate to serve the area, meet the requirement of design, blend with natural site features, and any other criteria of the village.
   (B)   Subdivision and land development improvements shall be designed such that after the development is completed, the quantity and rate of water leaving the site at points of hydraulic analysis is no more than if the site had remained in its undeveloped natural state.
   (C)   If necessary, storage facilities shall be included to assure that this requirement is met.
   (D)   The developer shall meet submission requirements as hereinafter specified. However, the village may require information more detailed than specified when a better understanding of a situation is needed.
   (E)   Storm water management systems will be designed for the ultimate use of the land.
   (F)   The village may require a higher degree of design than specified in these criteria if the resulting drainage systems appear to jeopardize areas of high value or where the design results do not appear adequate to provide safety and protect the health of the residents.
   (G)   Where a storm sewer, culvert, open channel, catch basin, inlet, manhole, or other drainage structure lies outside the public right-of-way, easements of sufficient size as determined by the Village Engineer shall be provided to assure easy access and maintenance.
   (H)   Sub-surface drainage such as underdrains may be required at the discretion of the Village Engineer.
   (I)   Nothing in this chapter shall overturn provisions of Chapter 152, Flood Damage Prevention. If conflicts occur, Chapter 152 shall govern.
(Ord. C-604, passed 9-8-86)