(a)   Any law enforcement officer or local health officer may take up, upon private or public property, any animal which has bitten or scratched a person or other animal and impound the animal in the city pound, securely penned and separated from other animals, or in a veterinary hospital or animal care facility for a period of not more than 30 days during which time the local health officer shall determine whether or not such animal is suffering from a disease and, if not, the local health officer shall authorize the release of the animal upon payment by the owner of the boarding fee therefore. The health officer may authorize the keeping of any such animal on the owner's premises if the owner produces a rabies vaccination certificate showing that the animal has valid rabies vaccination protection. Impoundment costs shall be borne by the owner. If in the opinion of the local health officer symptoms develop justifying a microscopic examination, then the animal shall be killed and examination made by the state board of health.
   (b)   In lieu of the provisions of subsection (a), the owner of any such animal may, at his or her own expense, take such animal to any duly qualified and licensed veterinarian in the city for observation. Such veterinarian shall report his or her findings in writing to the local health officer. If in the opinion of such veterinarian a microscopic examination is justified, then the animal shall be turned over to the animal control officer or any law enforcement officer to be killed and examination made by the state board of health.
   (c)   Any animal desired for observation by the local health officer under this section shall be delivered to the animal control officer or any law enforcement officer upon demand and shall not be withheld, hidden or harbored. Any person violating this provision shall be guilty of a violation of this code. Upon refusal of any person to so deliver such animal, the municipal judge shall cause a warrant to be issued for the arrest of such person, which warrant shall also provide for the surrender of the animal and shall be lawful authority for the apprehending and forcible taking of such animal. (Code 2000)