15-501.   DEFINITIONS.
Unless the context clearly indicates otherwise, the meaning of words and terms as used in this article shall be as follows:
   (a)   Commercial Establishment. Mercantile, industrial, business assembly, public, institutional and all other establishments commonly designated as such or as hereafter be designated as such, or commonly considered non-residential;
   (b)   Commercial Waste All refuse emanating from establishments engaged in business including, but not limited to stores, markets, office buildings, restaurants, shopping centers, theaters, hospitals, governments and nursing homes;
   (c)   Dwelling Unit. Any enclosure, building or portion thereof occupied by one or more persons for and as living quarters;
   (d)   Food Wastes. Animal, vegetable or mineral matter derived from the preparation or packaging of foodstuffs;
   (e)   Garbage. Waste resulting from the handling, processing, storage, packaging, preparation, sale, cooking and serving of meat, produce and other foods and shall include unclean containers;
   (f)   Hazardous Materials. Wastes that are hazardous by reason of their pathological, explosive, radiological or toxic characteristics;
   (g)   Multi-Family Unit. Any structure containing more than four individual dwelling units;
   (h)   Refuse. All garbage and/or rubbish or trash;
   (i)   Residential Solid Waste. Refuse, rubbish, trash, etc., resulting from the normal household activities;
   (j)   Residential. Any structure containing four or less individual dwelling units, rooming houses having no more than four persons in addition to the family of the owner or operator, and mobile homes;
   (k)   Rubbish or Trash. All nonputrescible materials such as paper, tin cans, bottles, glass, crockery, rags, ashes, lawn and tree trimmings, stumps, boxes, wood, street sweepings and mineral refuse. Rubbish or trash shall not include earth and waste from building operations or wastes from industrial processes or manufacturing operations;
   (l)   Single Dwelling Unit. An enclosure, building or portion thereof occupied by one family as living quarters.
   (m)   Special Material. These are bulky materials or other special wastes that are not stored in standard storage containers an cannot be picked up by a normally used collection vehicle.
   (n)   Solid Waste. All non-liquid garbage, rubbish or trash.
(Ord. 216, Sec. 1; Code 2000)