8-308.   SAME; CONTENTS.
The order shall state the condition(s) which is (are) in violation of section 8-303. The notice shall also inform the person, corporation, partnership or association that
   (a)   He, she or they shall have 10 days from receipt of the order to abate the condition(s) in violation of section 8-303; or
   (b)   He, she or they have 10 days from receipt of the order to request a hearing before the governing body or its designated representative of the matter as provided by section 8-312;
   (c)   Failure to abate the condition(s) or to request a hearing within the time allowed may result in prosecution as provided by section 8-309 and/or abatement of the condition(s) by the city as provided by section 8-310.
(Code 2015)