The fire limits of the city are hereby established and declared to be as follows:
Block No. 1, Block No. 27, Block No. 8, Block No. 9, and Block No. 16, and Lots 5, 6 and 7 in b lock No. 18, and the west half of Lot No. 1, the south 12 ½ feet of the west half of Lot 2, in Block 20, all lying east of Missouri Street in the city; and the east half of block No. 7; Lots 12, 13 and 14 in the west half of Block No. 7, the east half of Block No. 10, and Lots 8 and 9 in the west half of Block No. 10; and the east half of Block No. 15; lying and being on the west side of Missouri Street in the city. (Ord. 117, Sec. 1)