Any unattended vehicle found parked on a street or in a parking lot, public or reserved, which is owned by or registered to a person against whom judgment has been rendered in a response to a complaint charging a violation of any local law, ordinance, rule or regulation concerning the parking, stopping or standing of vehicles, which judgment has not been satisfied, shall be immobilized by an officer of the Police Department in such a manner as to prevent its operation. No such vehicle shall be immobilized by means other than by the use of a device or mechanism which will cause no damage to the vehicle unless it is moved while the device or mechanism is in place.
   It shall be the duty of the Police Department immobilizing the vehicle, or under whose direction a vehicle is immobilized, to cause to be placed on such vehicle, in a conspicuous manner, notice sufficient to warn any individual that the vehicle has been immobilized and that any attempt to move the vehicle may result in damage to the vehicle.
   The owner or person entitled to possession of such vehicle shall secure the release of the vehicle by complying with the rules and regulations of the City concerning all outstanding judgments against said person and by payment of the sum of thirty-five dollars ($35.00) for the removal of the immobilization device or mechanism. (Ord. 125-00. Passed 10-2-00.)