(a)   Purpose and Acknowledgment.
      (1)   The purpose of this policy is to ensure the City of Alliance credit card accounts are in compliance with applicable laws (Ohio Revised Code 717.31).
      (2)   All departments must acknowledge receiving the City's Card Policy and Procedures.
   (b)   Officers or Positions Authorized to Use Card.
      (1)   The City Auditor or his designee if granted permission.
      (2)   Department Heads: or their designee.
   (c)   Purchasing Card Transactions.
      (1)   A purchase order requisition must be completed prior to expenditures of funds as is the case with all purchases. The City Auditor can approve a "Then and Now Certificate" for up to $3000.00 in the event of an emergency. The Purchasing Card can only be used for authorized City related goods and services. The same budgetary restrictions apply to these purchases; the Purchasing Card is simply another form of payment. Receipts/invoices must be attached with all requisitions.
      (2)   Types of permitted expenses:
         •   Meals
         •   Gas and Oil
         •   Repair and maintenance of City assets.
         •   Professional development: classes, seminars, conferences, and lodging.
         •   Internet
         •   Telephone
         •   Software
         •   Worker's comp premium
         •   Benefits
         •   Utilities
         •   Equipment
         •   Capital   
         •   Facilitate online purchases- especially in cases that vendors only accept credit cards.
      (3)   The Purchasing Card (Auditor) is limited by restrictions by certain merchant categories codes to prevent misuse. The spreadsheet attached to original Ordinance 12-19 (MCC Group Worksheet) indicates the codes that are included/excluded.
      (4)   Examples of restricted merchant categories/items.
         •   Entertainment
         •   Cash advances
         •   All categories identified as "high risk".
         •   Receipts/Invoices must be kept in compliance with the City's approved record retention policy.
   (d)   the Procedure for Acquisition, Use, and Management of a Credit Card Account and Presentation Instruments Related to the Account Including Cards and Checks.
      (1)   Department heads must notify the City Auditor and the appropriate appointing authority of their intentions to open any new credit card accounts.
      (2)   The "City of Alliance" shall appear on each presentation instrument related to a credit card account including cards and checks.
      (3)   The Finance Chairman of Council will serve as the compliance officer and report to City Council quarterly (the number of credit cards issued and active, the cards' expiration dates and the cards' credit limits, in accordance with the requirements of HB 312).
   (e)   Reissuing/Cancelling or Reporting Lost /Stolen Cards. In the event of a lost or stolen card, the cardholder must notify the issuer as well as the Auditor's office as soon as possible.
   (f)   Credit Limits.
      (1)   The Purchasing card for the Auditor's Office has a total credit limit of $400,000, and maximum single purchase limit of $400,000. Use limited to Auditor and unless permission granted to others.
      (2)   Other Departments:
             Alliance Fire Department: Walmart $500 credit limit. Use is limited to Chief and Assistant Chief
             Alliance Parks Department: Staples $7,500 limit, Walmart/Sams $15,000. Use limited to FT Staff and RCC Manager.
             Alliance Police Department: Staples $3500, Walmart $1000. Use authorized by Chief or Chief's secretary.
             Alliance Water Treatment: Walmart $1000. Use by Superintendent only.
   (g)   The Actions or Omissions by an Officer or Employee That Qualify as Misuse of a Credit Card Account.
      (1)   Card holders shall sign acknowledgement of Credit Card Policy before receiving a card.
      (2)   Cards if issued to employees must be surrendered upon their separation of employment from the City or when requested by the appointing authority.
      (3)   The use of a City credit card account for expenses beyond those authorized by this policy, or any failure to comply with these Credit Card Policies and
Procedures, constitutes misuse of a credit card account. Any employee who knowingly misuses a credit card account is subject to discipline, which could include demotion, termination, in addition to criminal charges. Use of any City card for any other than those permitted in this Policy is a violation of section 2313.21 of the Ohio Revised Code.
   (h)   Disclosure of Awards. The City Auditor shall file an annual report with the Council detailing all rewards received based on the use of the City card.
(Ord. 12-19. Passed 4-15-19.)