There is hereby established in the City of Alliance an exterior condition rating system for each premises used for residential purposes. This exterior condition shall be evaluated and assigned and re-evaluated and re-assigned from time to time by the City of Alliance for each residential premises according to the following conditions:
Condition 1. Sound.
The house, yard, walks, steps and accessory structures are well maintained and no exterior code violations are apparent from visual inspection.
Condition 2. Minor Repair.
Minor maintenance tasks must be performed; partial painting of exterior siding, trim, doors, gutters and/or downspouts; replacement of rusted, worn or non-functioning sections of gutter and downspouts is also necessary. Minor repair to steps, yard walks, driveways, fences or other accessory structures. Approximate cost of repair: two thousand five hundred dollars ($2,500).
Condition 3. Major Repair.
More extensive repairs need to be made such as substantial or complete painting of the house, the roofing, installation of new gutters and/or downspouts, new porch posts/flooring or other supports, all new yard walks or steps, extensive repairs to accessory structures. Approximate cost of repair: five thousand dollars ($5,000).
Condition 4. Rehabilitation.
The repairs are more costly than major repair category; however, reinvestment is still economically feasible. Replacing such items as windows, doors, roof sheeting, porch and rebuilding of sections of the foundation, chimney, support walls or other structural items may be necessary. Approximate cost of repair: fifteen thousand dollars ($15,000).
Condition 5. Dilapidated.
Rehabilitation of Condition 5 structures is generally more extensive due to interior deterioration. Similar exterior repairs as those cited in Condition 4. Rehabilitation may not be economically feasible in Condition 5 structures. Approximate cost of repair: twenty-five thousand dollars. ($25,000).
(Ord. 61-98. Passed 5-4-98.)
(a) After completing a rating of the residential structures in the City of Alliance as provided for in Section 771.04, the City of Alliance may further inspect the exterior and interior of the Condition 3, 4 and 5 premises in order to ascertain and insure compliance with all Alliance Codified Ordinances.
(b) For each premises so inspected, the City shall charge an inspection fee which shall include the cost of one re-inspection to insure compliance. Said fee is initially established at forty-five dollars ($45.00), and may be amended from time to time. For multiple unit structures, the fee for the initial inspection, and one re-inspection, is established as forty-five dollars ($45.00) for the first unit plus ten dollars ($10.00) for all units in addition thereto, and may be amended from time to time. This inspection fee shall be assessed against the title owner of the premises and may be assessed as a lien against the premises at the option of the City. The fee shall be rationally related to actual costs, expense and time incurred by the City for such inspection.
(c) In the event that an inspection occurs as the result of a complaint generated by a citizen, and the inspector finds no violations that would warrant a notice of violation of the Alliance Codified Ordinances, no inspection fee shall be charged to the owner of the premises.
(Ord. 61-98. Passed 5-4-98.)
Upon completion of an inspection, and the finding by the City of Alliance that there is full compliance with all Alliance Codified Ordinances, and payment in full of the inspection fee, the City shall issue a Certificate of Inspection to the property owner. In the event full compliance is not met or payment in full of the inspection fee is not received, no certificate of inspection shall be issued.
(Ord. 61-98. Passed 5-4-98.)