If a minor modification to a site plan is made, an applicant may have an administrative review and not be required to go before the Commission to amend the site plan. Variances, planned residential developments, planned unit developments, or the expansion of a nonconforming use are not eligible for an administrative review. Each action related to modification of a site plan shall be duly recorded in writing on a copy of the approved plan, and shall be kept on file in the office of the Administrative Official. The Administrative Official shall have the authority to require a new site plan for the purposes of clarity. The Commission shall be advised of all minor site plan modifications approved by the Administrative Official, and such modifications shall be noted on the site plan and in the minutes of the Commission. The following activities shall be eligible for administrative plan review in accordance with this Article:
   (a)   Minor changes during construction due to unanticipated site constraints, or to improve safety, protect natural features, or comply with unanticipated requirements of outside agencies.
   (b)   Landscape changes to similar species consistent with the standards of this Ordinance that do not reduce the total amount of landscaping on the site.
   (c)   Changes to a structure or site required by the Administrative Official for safety considerations.
   (d)   Establishment of home occupations specifically listed as a permitted use.
   (e)   Bike path, pathway, or sidewalk construction or relocation.
   (f)   Grading, excavation, filling, soil removal, creation of ponds, or clearing of trees within an area up to 100 square feet on a lot occupied by a residential dwelling.
   (g)   Re-occupancy of a vacant building that has been unoccupied for less than 12 months.
   (h)   Replacing an existing sign due to damage, theft, or other situation, which was approved by the Commission with an identical sign.