The following information shall be included with all applications for major subdivision preliminary plat review under this Ordinance, except where the Commission determines that certain information is not necessary or applicable to the review:
   (a)   Application Form. The application form shall be completed by the applicant and contain, at minimum, the following information:
      (i)   Applicant’s name and address.
      (ii)   Name and address of property owner, if different from applicant.
      (iii)   Common description of property and complete legal description.
      (iv)   Dimensions of land and total acreage.
      (v)   Existing zoning.
      (vi)   Proposed use of land and name of proposed development, if applicable.
      (vii)   Project value.
      (viii)   Employment opportunities created, if applicable.
   (b)   Major Subdivision Preliminary Plat Descriptive and Identification Data. Major subdivision preliminary plats shall consist of an overall plan for the entire development, drawn to a scale of not less than one inch equals 50 feet for property less than three acres, and one inch equals 100 feet for property three acres or more in size. Sheet size shall be at least 24 inches by 36 inches. The following descriptive and identification information shall be included on all major subdivision preliminary plats:
      (i)   Name, address, and telephone number of the owner, subdivider, professional engineer and registered surveyor who prepared the plat.
      (ii)   Title block indicating the name of the development, which shall not duplicate or closely approximate the name of any other subdivision in the City.
      (iii)   Scale.
      (iv)   Northpoint.
      (v)   Dates of submission and revisions (month, day, year).
      (vi)   Location map drawn to scale with northpoint.
      (vii)   Legal and common description of property; location by section, range, and township.
      (viii)   The dimensions of all lots and property lines, showing the relationship of the site to abutting properties. If the site is a part of a larger parcel, the plan should indicate the boundaries of total land holding.
      (ix)   Identification and seal of engineer or surveyor who prepared plan. The seal of a surveyor may be accepted if the major subdivision preliminary plat involves no engineering.
      (x)   Written description of proposed land use.
      (xi)   Zoning classification of petitioner’s parcel and all abutting parcels.
      (xii)   Proximity to section corner and major thoroughfares.
      (xiii)   Notation of any variances which have or must be secured.
      (xiv)   Net acreage (minus rights-of-way) and total acreage, to the nearest 1/100 acre.
      (xv)   Original date and date of revisions.
      (xvi)   Proposed phasing of construction, if applicable.
   (c)   Site Data.
      (i)   Existing lot lines, corporation lines, section lines, township lines, building lines, structures, parking areas, and other improvements on the site and within 100 feet of the site.
      (ii)   Front, side, and rear setback dimensions.
      (iii)   Topography on the site and within 100 feet of the site at two foot contour intervals, referenced to the City mapping system.
      (iv)   Proposed major subdivision preliminary plat features, including building locations, roadway widths and names, and parking areas, if any.
      (v)   Dimensions and centerlines of existing and proposed roads and road rights- of-way and existing railroad rights-of-way.
      (vi)   Acceleration, deceleration, and passing lanes, where required.
      (vii)   Proposed location of driveway entrances and on-site driveways.
      (viii)   Cross-section of any proposed roads.
      (ix)   Location of existing drainage courses, floodplains, lakes and streams, with elevations.
      (x)   Location of existing and proposed interior sidewalks and sidewalks in the right-of-way.
      (xi)   Exterior lighting locations and method of shielding lights from shining off the site.
      (xii)   Trash receptacles locations and method of screening, if applicable.
      (xiii)   Transformer pad location and method of screening, if applicable.
      (xiv)   Layout of off-street parking areas and indication of total number of spaces and typical dimensions of spaces, if applicable.
      (xv)   Method of surfacing driveways, parking areas, and other vehicle maneuvering areas.
      (xvi)   Information needed to calculate required parking in accordance with Zoning Ordinance standards, if applicable.
      (xvii)   The location of lawns and landscaped areas, including required landscaped greenbelts.
      (xviii)   Landscape plan, including location, spacing and types of shrubs, trees, and other live plant material.
      (xix)   Location, sizes, and types of existing trees five inches or greater in diameter, measured at one foot off the ground, before and after proposed development.
      (xx)   Tree replacement plan.
      (xxi)   Cross-section of proposed berms.
      (xxii)   Location and description of all easements for public rights-of-way, utilities, access, shared access, and drainage.
      (xxiii)   Designation of fire lanes.
      (xxiv)   Loading/unloading area.
      (xxv)   The location of any outdoor storage of materials and the manner by which it will be screened.
      (xxvi)   Names of adjacent subdivisions, owners of adjacent parcels, outlots or lot numbers of adjacent parcels.
   (d)   Information Concerning Utilities, Drainage, and Related Issues.
      (i)   Schematic layout of existing and proposed sanitary sewers and septic systems; water mains, well sites, and water service leads; hydrants that would be used by public safety personnel to serve the site; storm sewers and drainage facilities, including the location of retention/detention facilities; and, the location of gas, electric, and telephone lines.
      (ii)   Indication of site grading and drainage patterns.
      (iii)   Types of soils and location of floodplains and wetlands, if applicable.
      (iv)   Soil erosion and sedimentation control measures.
      (v)   Proposed finish grades on the site, including the finish grades of all buildings, driveways, walkways, and parking lots.
      (vi)   Assessment of potential impacts from the use, processing, or movement of hazardous materials or chemicals, if applicable.
   (e)   Non-Applicable Items. If any of the items listed are not applicable to a particular site, the major subdivision preliminary plat shall provide a list of each item considered not applicable, and the reason(s) why each listed item is not considered applicable.
   (f)   Other Required Data. Other data may be required if deemed necessary by administrative officials or the Commission to determine compliance with the provisions in this Ordinance. Such information may include traffic studies, market analysis, environmental assessments, condominium documents, and evaluation of the demand on public facilities and services.