(a)    Procedure.
      (1)    All personnel grievances involving alleged violations of anti-discrimination policies, in relation to hiring and recruitment or treatment of presently employed persons within the City government will be investigated by the Affirmative Action Officer. He will submit all findings and recommendations to the Mayor, the statutory department head involved and the aggrieved applicant. In the event that the applicant or employee is not satisfied, the Affirmative Action Officer will advise him or her of his or her right to appeal. Further, the Affirmative Action Officer will educate the applicants as to the procedures of appeal and will provide whatever information is requested as relates to such appeal.
      (2)    All personnel grievances involving alleged violations of anti-discrimination policies in relation to hiring and recruitment or treatment of presently employed persons by an employer who has a contract with the City, that does not involve federal funds will be investigated by the Affirmative Action Officer. The Affirmative Action Officer will submit findings and recommendations to the Mayor, the Director of Public Safety and Service and the accused employer. In the event that no discrimination is found to exist, the case will be closed as far as the City government is concerned. Appeal rights are the same as in subsection (a)(l) hereof. In the event that the employer is found to be in violation, he will be asked to remedy the situation. If the employer continues in violation, then he will not be considered for any further contracts with the City until the violation is remedied.
      (3)    Any violation of nondiscrimination policies on a federally funded project will be investigated by the Affirmative Action Officer. He will present his findings and recommendations to the Mayor and the Director of Public Safety and Service for resolution. In the event that the violation cannot be resolved by the City government, proceedings to show cause will be initiated with the proper federal agency, as provided for by Executive Ordinance 11246.
   (b)    Records.
      (1)    All grievances will be submitted in writing and be notarized.
      (2)    All telephone or other conversations relating to the grievance will be documented for further reference.
      (3)    Files and reports shall be maintained of the type of action taken to resolve the employee’s or applicant's grievance.
         (Ord. 9-75. Passed 1-20-75.)