(a)    This affirmative action plan shall be communicated to all employees, supervisors, management officials of the Local Public Agency and all contracting groups working with the Local Public Agency.
   (b)   When it is necessary to recruit applicants for employment, the Local Public Agency shall:
      (1)    Place employment advertisements in newspapers, which reach the largest number of minority group people in the area and in such advertisements, identify itself as an equal opportunity employer;
      (2)    Notify the office of affirmative action, Affirmative Action Officer, schools and colleges having a substantial number of minority students;
      (3)    Be responsible for maintaining contact with minority relations organizations to encourage referral of qualified minority applicants to employers;
      (4)    Encourage referral of minority applicants by present employees; and
      (5)    Incorporate and use appropriate guidelines of the acts and orders provided herein.
   (c)    In-plant and on-the-job training programs, as well as other educational or training programs to which the Local Public Agency gives support or can obtain support, will be reviewed regularly to assure that minority group candidates are treated equally in the arraignment of available jobs.
   (d)    The Department of Community Development will maintain a minority job bank. This job bank will consist of a listing of skilled and unskilled minorities seeking employment.
   (e)    Qualified minority employees will be paid the same rates as other employees with equivalent duties and will be given the same opportunities for overtime work.
   (f)   Layoffs, demotions or terminations will be on a nondiscriminatory basis with each layoff, demotion or termination of a minority worker reviewed by the company's Affirmative Action Officer or official assigned to oversee the equal employment opportunity program.
   (g)    The Local Public Agency will encourage minority group contractors, minority group subcontractors and firms with minority representation to bid for subcontracting and contracting work.
   (h)    The office of affirmative action and the Affirmative Action Officer shall make periodic reports of its progress under this plan giving any statistical data required and shall make copies of such reports available to the required federal and local agencies.
(Ord. 9-75. Passed 1-20-75.)