Such uses shall comply with the provisions of Chapter 1160, Performance Standards, of this Ordinance and shall conform to current standards established by federal, State, and County governments. The applicant must supply the following documentation with any plan submitted for review:
   (a)   Description of any discharge of any type of wastewater to a storm sewer, drain, lake, stream, wetland, other surface water body or into the groundwater.
   (b)   Description of storage of any salt, oil or other potentially hazardous materials including common name, name of chemical components, location, maximum quantity expected on hand at any time, type of storage containers or base material, and anticipated procedure for use and handling.
   (c)   Description of any transportation, on-site treatment, storage or disposal of hazardous waste.
   (d)   Description of any secondary containment measures, including design, construction materials and specifications, and security measures.