(a) Detached single-family dwellings, except manufactured houses located in approved and licensed manufactured housing parks, shall comply with the following standards:
(i) All such dwellings shall have exterior materials similar to and aesthetically compatible with the dwelling units on adjacent properties or in the surrounding residential neighborhood. Such materials shall include siding, windows, porches, shingles and other roofing materials. New dwellings shall be constructed with a primary entrance on the front facade which shall be connected by a paved path to the public sidewalk, right-of-way or a driveway.
(ii) All such dwellings shall incorporate exterior building wall, foundation and roof configurations that are similar to the dwelling units on adjacent properties or in the surrounding residential neighborhood. The minimum width across any front, side, or rear elevation shall be 24 feet, and the average width-to-depth or depth-to-width ratio of the dwelling, as measured along the outside of the perimeter walls, shall not exceed 2.5 to one. The roof over-hang shall be a minimum of six inches on at least two sides.
(iii) All such dwellings shall be firmly attached to a permanent foundation. The foundation wall shall be constructed on the site in accordance with the building code adopted by the City, and shall have the same perimeter dimensions as the dwelling. All such dwellings shall be secured to the premises by an anchoring system or device that is in full compliance with all applicable codes and rules.
(iv) New dwellings shall be connected to the public sewer and water supply.
(b) Determinations. This Section is not intended to prohibit innovative architectural design, or site features. The compatibility of design and appearance shall be determined by the Administrative Official, subject to appeal by an aggrieved party to the Board. Any determination of compatibility shall be based upon these standards, with a comparison to the character, design, and appearance of five or more existing residential dwellings located in the City, outside of any manufactured housing parks.