Multiple-family dwellings and developments shall comply with the following:
   (a)   Density. The maximum density of a multiple-family development shall be 12 dwelling units per acre of net lot area.
   (b)   Street Design and Vehicle Circulation. Street connections shall be provided to adjacent neighborhoods and parcels in residential districts. Ingress and egress from the public streets shall be designed to minimize congestion and interference with normal traffic flow. All interior roads, drives, and parking areas within a multi- family development shall be hard surfaced and provided with curbs and gutters. Roadway drainage shall be appropriately designed such that storm water from the roadway will not drain onto the adjacent lots. All access drives shall be 24 feet in width.
   (c)   Pedestrian Circulation. Minimum five foot wide concrete sidewalks shall be provided from parking areas, public sidewalks and recreation areas to all building entrances. Public sidewalks shall be provided along collector roads and streets with a minimum width established by the City.
   (d)   Parking. The Commission may give credit towards parking requirements where abutting on-street parking is available. All off-street parking spaces must be screened from view of any public road, pedestrian path, or adjacent residential use in compliance with this Ordinance.
   (e)   Recreation Areas. Passive or active recreation areas (including but not limited to seating areas, playgrounds, swimming pools, walking paths and other recreational elements in accordance with the intended character of the neighborhood) shall be provided at a ratio of at least 15 percent of the gross area of the development. The minimum size of each area shall be not less than 5,000 square feet, and the length to width ratio of each area, as measured along the perimeter, shall not exceed four to one. Such areas shall be centrally and conveniently located to be physically and visibly accessible to residents, and shall not be located within any required yard setbacks or building separation area.
   (f)   Utilities. All multiple-family dwellings shall be connected to the public sewer and public water system.
   (g)   Market Support. Given the number of existing multiple-family dwellings in the City, no multiple-family development shall be approved without the applicant first submitting for review by the Commission a market study, using accepted study methods, which demonstrates that there exists at the time of application a documented need within the City and the unincorporated areas of the four townships adjacent to the City for such development. Neither future population within the City, nor existing population outside the City, shall be considered as part of such study.
   (h)   Other Requirements. Adequate landscaping and screening shall be provided along all property lines which abut a residential district or use, and along all street frontages. Parking or storage of recreational vehicles, boats, utility trailers or similar items shall be prohibited, except in areas designated on an approved final site plan.