Uses in all districts of the City shall comply with the standards of performance set forth in this Chapter (generally accepted methods of collection and standard methods of chemical analysis shall be used in the application of those standards).
   (a)   Air Contaminants. Air contaminants as measured not less than 100 feet and not more than one-quarter mile from stack or source. Air contaminants less dark in shade than that designated as No.2 on the Ringelmann Chart, as published by the U.S. Bureau of Mines, are permitted except that No.2 is permitted for one four minute period in each one-half hour. Air contaminants of such opacity as to obscure observer's view to a degree equal to or greater than described above shall not be permitted except that essentially water vapor effluents in the range of white or cream may be excepted from this rule.
   (b)   Particulate Matter. Particulate matter and dust as measured at a convenient measuring point nearest to stack outlet or source. Particulate matter or dust, as measured at and by any generally accepted manner, shall not be emitted in excess of three-tenths grain per cubic foot of flue gas at a stack temperature of 500 degrees Fahrenheit not exceeding 50 percent excess air, except for periods of four minutes in any one-half hour, when it can equal but not exceed five-tenths grains per cubic foot of flue gas at a temperature of 500 degrees Fahrenheit not exceeding 50 percent excess air.
   (c)   Odor. The emission of odors which are generally agreed to be obnoxious to any considerable number of persons, at their place of residence, shall be prohibited.
   (d)   Gases (as Measured at the Property Line). Sulfur dioxide gas shall not exceed an average of three-tenths part per million over a 24 hour period, provided, however, a maximum concentration of five-tenths part per million will be allowed for a one hour period out of a 24 hour period; hydrogen sulfide shall not exceed one-tenth part per million; fluorine shall not exceed one-tenth part per million; nitrous fumes shall not exceed five parts per million; carbon monoxide shall not exceed 15 parts per million.
   (e)   Flammable Liquids. Storage, handling, and use of flammable liquids shall comply with regulations as set forth in Bulletin No. 30-L of the National Fire Protective Association (NFPA); storage of other materials in yards or structures shall comply with other fire protective codes of the City, and all parts of such yards or structures shall be accessible to fire-fighting equipment.
   (f)   Liquid Waste. Liquid wastes or sewerage shall not be discharged into a reservoir, stream, or other open body of water or into a storm sewer. The same may be discharged into a sanitary sewer, but only after it has been treated, so that the insoluble substances, oils, grease, acids, alkalines, and other chemicals in the wastes shall not exceed the amounts allowed by other applicable regulations.
   (g)   Solid Waste. Solid waste resulting from all uses shall be either disposed of, stored in buildings, or completely enclosed within a wall or fence at least six feet in height.
   (h)   Glare or Heat. Glare or heat from any process shall not adversely affect any adjacent property; exterior lighting shall not produce a glare on rights-of-way or adjacent property.
   (i)   Noise. Noise shall be muffled, so as to not be objectionable due to intermittence, frequency, or shrillness. It shall be deemed objectionable if it exceeds the average intensity of street traffic noise at the nearest residential district line.