1150.04 TABLE.
   (a)   The amount of required off-street parking spaces for new uses or buildings, additions thereto and additions to existing buildings, as specified above, shall be determined in accordance with the following table, and the space so required shall be stated in the application for a building permit and shall be irrevocably reserved for such use and/or shall comply with this Chapter.
   (b)   For those uses not specifically mentioned, the requirements for off-street parking facilities shall be accordance with a use which is similar in type.
Required Parking Space(s)
Required Parking Space(s)
(1) One-family dwellings.
Two for each dwelling unit.
(2) Two-family dwellings, multiple-family dwellings, apartment houses and efficiency apartments.
One and one-half for each unit and/or first bedroom and one additional for each additional bedroom over one.
(3) Tourist homes, cabins or motels.
One for each guest or sleeping room or suite in a tourist home, tourist cabin or motel, plus two additional for management and/or service personnel.
(4) Nurses’ home or dormitory.
One for each two bedrooms, plus two additional for manager.
(5) Hospital, sanitariums, nursing and convalescent homes and homes for the aged or similar uses.
One for each four beds, plus one for each staff or visiting doctor, plus one for each four employees per shift, including nurses.
(6) Orphanage and institutions of a philanthropic and charitable nature or similar use.
One for each ten beds.
(7) Hotels, bed and breakfasts.
One for each guest room, plus one additional for each employee.
(8) Private clubs, fraternities, boarding houses and rooming houses.
One for each bedroom, plus two additional for owner or management.
(9) Libraries, museums, post offices.
Provide about each building an improved area, other than the front or side yard, which shall be not less in size that two times the floor space of the building.
(10) Theaters and auditoriums (other than incidental to schools).
One for each four seats, plus additional equal in number to 50 percent of the number of all employees of the theater.
(11) Churches, auditoriums incidental to schools.
One for each four seats in the main assembly unit.
(12) Schools, Elementary.
One for each two employees (including teachers and administrators), plus sufficient space for the safe and convenient loading and unloading of students.
(13) Schools, Secondary.
One for each two employees (including teachers and administrators), plus one for each student parking permit issued or, if none are issued, one space for each student vehicle parked on the property at any one time, plus sufficient space for the safe and convenient loading and unloading of students.
(14) Colleges.
One for each three employees (including teachers and administrators), plus sufficient space for accommodation of the normal daily number of visitor vehicles, plus one for each two students, except where the college can otherwise show, in a comprehensive master parking plan reviewed and approved by the Commission, that a sufficient number of spaces have been provided.
(15) Dance halls, pool and billiard rooms, assembly halls without fixed seats, community centers, civic clubs, fraternal orders, veterans’ organizations, union halls and similar types of occupancy.
One for each four people allowed within the maximum occupancy load as established by the fire marshal.
(16) Stadiums and sports arenas.
One for each four seats.
(17) Bowling alleys.
Five for each alley.
(18) Mortuaries or funeral homes.
One for each 50 square feet of floor space in the slumber rooms, parlors or individual funeral service rooms.
(19) Establishments for sale and consumption on the premises of alcoholic beverages, food or refreshments.
One for each 100 square feet of floor area, plus one for each four employees.
(20) Drive-in restaurants.
One for each 15 square feet of floor area.
(21) Medical or dental clinics, banks, business or professional offices.
One for each 200 square feet of floor area.
(22) Drive-thru banks.
One for each teller window, in addition to subsection (21).
(23) Furniture and appliance stores, personal service shops (not including beauty parlor and barber shops), household equipment or furniture repair shops, clothing or shoe repair or service shops, hardware stores, motor vehicle sales, wholesale stores and machinery sales.
One for each 500 square feet of floor space, plus one for the owner or management, plus one for each two employees.
(24) Beauty parlors and barber shops.
One for each employee, plus two for each chair.
(25) Boat liveries (including boat trailers) and marine commercial business uses, stores, etc.
One for each two employees, one for each boat well and/or boat, plus space for all cars and boat trailers using said boat livery services, plus one for each 150 square feet of floor space.
(26) All retail stores, except as otherwise specified herein.
One for each 150 square feet of floor space.
(27) Service garages, auto salesrooms, auto repair, collision or bumping shops, and car washes.
One for each two of the maximum number of employees on duty at any one time, plus one for each of the maximum number of salesmen on duty at any one time, plus one each for the owner and/or management on duty at any one time, plus two for each stall in a collision, bumping or painting shops, plus one for each stall or service area or wash rack in a servicing or repair shop, plus parking for any restaurant or retail space in accordance with (26), above.
(28) Gasoline filling stations.
One for each employee, plus one for the owner and/or management, plus two for each grease rack, staff for servicing automobiles, or wash rack, plus parking for any restaurant or retail space in accordance with (26), above.
(29) Industrial establishments including manufacturing, research and testing laboratories, creameries, bottling works, printing and engraving shops, warehouses and storage buildings.
Provide about each industrial building, buildings or use an improved area, in addition to the front yard, which shall be sufficient in size to provide adequate facilities for the parking of automobiles and other motor vehicles used by the firm or employees or persons doing business therein. Such space shall not be less than one for each three employees computed on the basis of the greatest number of persons to be employed at any one period during the day or night.
   (c)   Where the Commission determines that a proposed use would be part of a college use per Section 1162.20, the provisions of (14), above, shall apply to the proposed use as part of a college use.