Any person or entity owning or controlling land may submit a Preliminary PUD Plan, with supporting documentation and a request for a determination whether the proposal qualifies for approval under the PUD regulations.
   (a)   Submittal. Submittal of a Preliminary PUD Plan for consideration shall include the following, where appropriate:
      (i)   PUD Description. A detailed description of the proposed uses, building and site improvements, phasing plans and open spaces. The written statement shall describe how the proposed project qualifies for consideration as a PUD, state why a PUD is preferred over conventional zoning at this site, review possible impacts on public facilities and services, identify benefits to the City, and provide details and reasons for any proposed modifications from provisions of this Ordinance.
      (ii)   Preliminary PUD Plan. A Preliminary PUD Plan shall be provided that includes scaled drawings showing property boundaries, existing site conditions, significant site features (woodlands, landmark trees, wetlands, water bodies, historic structures, archeological sites, etc.), current zoning and land uses, adjacent zoning and land uses, general development plans, phasing and building layouts, the location, type and intensity of each proposed use, relationships to adjoining parcels, vehicular and pedestrian circulation patterns, and the general arrangement of any open spaces or landscape areas.
      (iii)   An impact assessment, if required by the Commission or Council, in compliance with applicable provisions of this Ordinance.
      (iv)   Additional maps, plans or documents necessary to adequately describe the proposed project.
   (b)   Technical Review. Prior to Commission consideration, the Preliminary PUD Plan and documentation shall be distributed to appropriate City officials and staff for review and comment. If deemed necessary by the Commission, the plans shall also be submitted to applicable outside agencies and designated City consultants for review.
   (c)   Public Hearing. A public hearing shall be held by the Commission for all Preliminary PUD Plans in accordance with the procedures set forth in this Ordinance.
   (d)   Commission Consideration of the Preliminary PUD Plan. Subsequent to the hearing, the Commission shall review the proposed PUD, together with any reports and recommendations from staff, consultants, other reviewing agencies and any public comments. The Commission shall address whether the project meets the qualification requirements for a PUD, and whether the Preliminary PUD Plan is consistent with the purpose and provisions of this Chapter. The Commission shall then report its findings and recommendations to the Council.
   (e)   Council Action on the Preliminary PUD Plan. Upon receipt of the report and recommendation from the Commission, the Council shall review all findings and take action to approve, approve with conditions or deny the Preliminary PUD plan, and shall set forth the reasons for their action. A determination that a proposal qualifies for PUD approval shall be accompanied by a description of the minimum conditions under which the proposal will be considered for Final PUD Plan approval. In describing such conditions, the Council may identify specific requirements or standards in this Ordinance which could be waived or modified upon approval of the Final PUD Plan.
   (f)   Effect of City Council Action on the Preliminary PUD Plan. Preliminary PUD Plan approval is intended to provide direction for preparation of the Final PUD Plan, but shall not assure approval of the Final PUD Plan. Preliminary PUD plan approval shall expire two years after the date of approval, unless the Final PUD plan for the project has been submitted to the Commission for review. Upon written request received by the City prior to the expiration date, the Council may grant an extension of up to one year, upon determining that site conditions have not changed in a way that would affect the character, design or use of the site, and that the approved Preliminary PUD plan remains in conformance with the purpose and provisions of this Chapter and the goals and objectives of the Comprehensive Land Use Plan. If the Council denies the Preliminary PUD Plan, the applicant may pursue development or use of the site under conventional zoning standards, or may submit a new Preliminary PUD Plan for further consideration.