The purpose of this Section is to ensure that planned developments in all zoning districts are compatible with the surrounding neighborhood and City. Wherever possible, the provisions of the underlying zoning district(s) and the design standards of this Ordinance shall be followed in the design of planned developments. Modifications to these standards may be approved as part of a Preliminary PUD Plan in any zoning district, provided that such modifications are determined to be consistent with the purpose of this Chapter and the following:
   (a)   Setbacks. Minimum setbacks within the development shall be based on good planning and design principles, taking into account the degree of compatibility between adjoining uses, and streets, sensitivity to the characteristics of the site, the need for free access for emergency vehicles, and the need for adequate amounts of light and air between buildings. Reduced or increased setbacks or build-to lines may be required upon review of the Preliminary PUD Plan in the interest of establishing a consistent relationship of buildings to the street and sidewalk, to form a visually continuous and pedestrian-oriented street-front, or to ensure adequate buffering between the PUD and adjacent uses or districts.
   (b)   Maximum Height. Buildings in PUDs shall not exceed 40 feet in height, except where taller buildings proposed on the Preliminary PUD Plan comply with the following conditions:
      (i)   Light and Shadow. Buildings or structures greater than 40 feet in height shall be designed so as to not have an unreasonable adverse impact on adjacent property as a result of the shadows or glare created from reflected or artificial light.
      (ii)   Privacy. Buildings or structures greater than 40 feet in height shall be designed to avoid infringing on the privacy of adjacent properties, particularly adjacent residential uses or districts.
      (iii)   Scale of Development. Buildings or structures greater than 40 feet in height shall be compatible with the scale of the neighborhood in which they are situated in terms of relative height mass, and scale.
   (c)   Circulation System. The vehicular and pedestrian circulation system within each development shall accommodate, where appropriate, the movement of vehicles, bicycles and pedestrians throughout the proposed development and to and from surrounding areas, safely and conveniently. Sidewalks and streets shall be connected into the overall City network, and shall be extended to adjacent undeveloped properties to provide future connections.
   (d)   Utility Infrastructure. Utilities shall be located underground wherever possible, and shall meet or exceed the standards otherwise applicable in connection with each of the respective types of uses served.
   (e)   Additional Considerations. In their review of a proposed PUD, the Commission and Council may review other considerations that are found to be relevant to a particular project, including but not limited to road capacity, utility systems, signage, lighting, building materials, noise reduction and visual screening.