(a)    There is hereby established a Sworn Auxiliary Police Unit consisting of not more than twenty volunteer members, and sixteen paid members. The volunteer members shall be designated as Auxiliary Police Officer I, and the paid members shall be designated as Auxiliary Police Officer II. A rate of pay for an Auxiliary Police Officer II shall be set annually by the City in the same manner as for other non-bargaining unit City employees. The purpose of this unit shall be to augment the regular officers of the City Police Department. Auxiliary police positions shall not supplant regular police officer positions.
   (b)   Each sworn auxiliary police officer, while on duty, shall be under the direction and control of command officers of the shift to which the officer is assigned to work. Sworn auxiliary police officers shall be considered patrolmen for the purposes of the department’s chain of command. All sworn auxiliary police officers shall have less seniority to bid overtime assignments than the least senior full-time police officer.
   (c)   The Director of Public Safety and Service shall be the exclusive head of the Sworn Auxiliary Police Unit, and shall make all appointments and removals of sworn auxiliary police officers, subject to any general regulations prescribed by Council and shall prescribe rules and regulations for the organization, training, administration, control, and conduct of the Sworn Auxiliary Police Unit. (Ohio R.C. 737.05.1)
   (d)   Each sworn auxiliary police officer shall upon appointment be sworn in as a police officer but his rights and duties as a police officer shall apply only at such times as fall within one of the following categories.
      (1)   When the sworn auxiliary police officer has been given a specific duty assignment, and is working in that capacity.
      (2)   When the Chief of Police or any sworn officer of the Alliance Police Department requests the immediate aid of the sworn auxiliary police officer due to emergency circumstances.
      (3)   When such sworn auxiliary police officer sees a felony committed in his presence, and can safely take action to prevent its successful completion.
   (e)   Sworn auxiliary police officer positions shall not be considered classified service, and are not covered by Civil Service Rules of the State or City.
   (f)   No person classified as a Sworn Auxiliary Police Officer I shall be entitled by reason thereof to participate in the Police and Fireman Pension Fund, or the Public Employees Retirement System.
   (g)   No person classified as a Sworn Auxiliary Police Officer II shall be entitled by reason thereof to participate in the Police and Fireman Pension Fund, but shall be entitled to participate in the Public Employees Retirement System pursuant to Ohio R.C. 145.03.
   (h)   The City shall ensure that all sworn auxiliary police officers are covered by Worker’s Compensation pursuant to Ohio R.C. 4123.03 and shall execute the necessary contracts with the Industrial Commission of Ohio.
(Ord. 73-98. Passed 6-15-98.)