(a)    Any owner who desires to construct or erect an earth station may apply to the Building Department for the permit referred to in Section 1319.02. A part-owner, occupant or renter shall have written permission from all owners of the lot, premises or parcel of land within the City on which such construction or erected earth station is proposed. Any owner or other person making application for a permit to construct or erect an earth station shall, simultaneous with the filing of such application with the Building Department, provide the Building Department with an accurate and current list of all adjacent or abutting real property owners adjoining the property upon which the proposed earth station is to be erected. The failure to supply such an accurate list, including all names and mailing addresses of such adjacent or adjoining property owners, shall be grounds for the denial of such permit.
   (b)   The Building Department shall issue such permit provided the applicant submits a written application upon forms provided by the Building Department along with a plot, premises or parcel of land, showing exact location of the proposed earth station and all other buildings on the subject lot; a description of the kind of earth station proposed; plans showing specifications and elevations of the proposed location; and sufficient details to show the method of assembly and construction together with the sum of fifty dollars ($50.00) which represents the permit fee. The permit fee shall cover the costs of reviewing the construction plans and specifications, inspecting the final construction and processing the application.
      The Building Department must notify by certified mail owners of real estate adjoining the property upon which the proposed earth station is to be erected at least ten days before issuing a permit.
   (c)    The application shall indicate the owner or owners of the subject property, the occupant of the subject premises and the contractor or other person who shall be permitted to construct or erect the proposed earth station and showing such contractor's licensing or certification; otherwise required by law.
(Ord. 9-20. Passed 2-18-20.)