Taxicab operators, taxicab drivers, personnel transportation operators and personnel transportation drivers are prohibited from:
   (a)   Operating a motor vehicle with the presence of alcohol with a concentration two hundredths of one gram, or more by weight of alcohol per two hundred ten liters of breath; or a concentration of two hundredths of one per cent, or more, by weight per unit volume of alcohol in the person’s blood; or consuming any alcohol during the time period which the driver is transporting any passengers;
   (b)   Failing, neglecting or refusing to turn in to the Alliance Police Department within twenty-four hours all lost or unclaimed articles located in the motor vehicle;
   (c)   Driving or operating a taxicab or personnel transportation vehicle upon any street in the City without first obtaining a license to do so;
   (d)   Obstructing vehicular travel of the street or alley when receiving or discharging passengers;
   (e)   Charging any rate or fare more than the rate or fare that is on file at the Mayor’s office;
   (f)   Failing to notify the Alliance Police Department within two hours of any accident involving a taxicab or personnel transportation vehicle;
   (g)   Discharging passengers at any other place than destination stated by the passenger;
   (h)   Exceeding the passenger capacity of any motor vehicle used by a licensee of this chapter;
   (i)   Failing to display the schedule of rates or fares in a conspicuous location in the motor vehicle used for transportation of passengers;
   (j)   Failing to display the license provided in this chapter in a conspicuous location in the motor vehicle used for transportation of passengers;
   (k)   Operating or conducting any passenger transportation in violation of any of the requirements set forth in this chapter.
      (Ord. 32-07. Passed 3-19-07.)