The Mayor, or his designee shall prepare and keep records of applications for taxicab operators, taxicab drivers, personnel transportation drivers and personnel transportation operators who seek to conduct business inside the City of Alliance in accordance with this chapter and shall:
   (a)   Receive and maintain records of the filing of schedules of rates and fares, certificates of insurance and evidence of compliance of taxicab operators, taxicab drivers and personnel transportation operators and personnel transportation drivers with the provisions of this chapter; and to receipt and deliver to the Auditor any funds or fees paid in accordance with the terms of this chapter; and
   (b)   File an annual report to Alliance City Council not later than March 31st of each calendar year advising Council of the companies who are operating taxicabs and personnel transportation vehicles within the city limits, the status of compliance of these businesses with this chapter and all other information that the Mayor deems relevant. (Ord. 32-07. Passed 3-19-07.)