(A)   After considering all of the testimony and evidence submitted at the hearing, the hearing officer must issue a written decision within five business days after the hearing, unless otherwise extended by the city, to uphold the order and deny the appeal, or modify the order. The hearing officer must identify and describe the reasons for that decision. The hearing officer will use preponderance of evidence as the standard of evidence in deciding issues. The decision of the hearing officer will be final.
   (B)   If the hearing officer determines that the administrative citation should be upheld and appeal denied, any monetary fine on deposit with the city will be retained by the city. The hearing officer may also impose conditions and deadlines to correct the violation or require payment of any outstanding fines, penalties, and interest.
   (C)   If the hearing officer determines that the order should be modified, the city will promptly take the corrective action identified in the hearing officer’s decision.
   (D)   The city shall preserve all exhibits submitted by the parties and shall serve the decision by first class mail on the appellant within ten days after receipt of the decision.
(Ord. 4544, passed 5-26-09)