(A)   Before issuing an administrative citation for any violation of building, plumbing, electrical, or similar zoning regulation set forth in this code or incorporated by reference, the enforcement officer must first issue a written compliance order to the person(s) responsible for the violation unless the violation constitutes an immediate threat to pubic health or safety. The compliance order must contain all of the following:
      (1)   The date of the violation;
      (2)   The address or a definite description of the location where the violation occurred;
      (3)   The section and description of the code violation;
      (4)   Identification of the action(s) necessary to correct the violation;
      (5)   A reasonable time period for the correction of the violation;
      (6)   Notice that if the violation is not corrected by the date specified in the compliance order, that an administrative citation may be issued and administrative fines imposed for failure to correct violations by the date specified.
      (7)   Notice that the violation is a nuisance and that collection of unpaid fines and costs (which includes but is not limited to inspection and re-inspection time) can be enforced as a lien against the property where the violation occurs and that an unpaid lien can result in the property being involuntarily sold.
(Ord. 4544, passed 5-26-09)