(A)   A municipal solar and conservation utility solar leasing program is hereby established for the purpose of regulating the leasehold marketing of solar energy devices within the city.
   (B)   California law currently encourages the leasehold marketing of solar energy devices within the state of California by providing tax credits to California taxpayers who lease such devices from a municipal utility or from any lessor granted a permit from a municipal solar utility. Upon the establishment of the Alhambra municipal solar and conservation utility, residents of the city who lease solar energy devices through such utility should be able to obtain such tax credits. However, as legal title to such solar energy devices is held by a person other than the resident-user, the latter is particularly susceptible to harm caused by consumer deception, safety hazards and the interruption of service. To help prevent such harm from occurring and to promote the economic feasibility of solar energy use within the city, lease-hold interests of solar energy devices may be marketed within the city's jurisdiction by complying with the provisions of this chapter and any rules and regulations promulgated by the energy coordinator to implement any provisions of this chapter.
('86 Code, § 24.06.010) (Ord. 3916, passed - - )