§ 23.34.020 APPLICABILITY.
   The procedures in this chapter shall apply to:
   (A)   A residential planned development permit shall be required for all uses and structures within the RL, RM, and RH zones, including all two-story, second-story or multi-story additions; however, none shall be required for the following:
      (1)   An alteration or enlargement of an existing dwelling unit which increases the floor area of the dwelling by not more than 50%, except second story additions as noted above; or
      (2)   An alteration or enlargement of a garage or carport.
   (B)   A residential planned development permit shall be required under the following circumstances for property within the CMU, CBD, EMC, AC, and PF zones:
      (1)   For a new residential building or structure; or
      (2)   For the enlargement of an existing residential building or structure.
   (C)   The following projects are exempt from the residential planned development permit process:
      (1)   Small projects with less than six units; and
      (2)   Those projects that are "by-right" under governing statutes, including but not limited to projects that are 20% affordable on up-zoned sites, 20% affordable on prior Housing Element Sites Inventory sites, or SB 35 projects.
   (D)   Projects subject to the Housing Accountability Act or other statutes that limit discretion to objective standards and criteria are subject only to objective findings in this chapter.
(Ord. 4823, passed 1-22-24)