(A)   Planning Commission.
      (1)   Notice. Public notice of hearings by the Planning Commission for a Development Agreement shall be given as specified in § 23.24.050. Notice of the hearing shall also be mailed or delivered to any other local agency expected to provide essential facilities or services to the property that is the subject of the development agreement.
      (2)   Hearing. The Planning Commission shall conduct a public hearing for making recommendations to the City Council in conformance with the provisions of § 23.24.060.
      (3)   Recommendation to Council. Following the public hearing, the Planning Commission shall make a written recommendation on the proposed development agreement. The Director shall transmit the Planning Commission's written recommendation and complete record of the application to the City Council.
   (B)   City Council.
      (1)   Notice. Public notice of hearings by the City Council for a development agreement shall be given as specified in § 23.24.050. Notice of the hearing shall also be mailed or delivered to any other local agency expected to provide essential facilities or services to the property that is the subject of the development agreement.
      (2)   Hearing. After receiving the report from the Planning Commission but no later than the time specified by Cal. Gov’t Code § 65943, the City Council shall hold a public hearing in conformance with the provisions of § 23.24.060.
      (3)   Decision. After the City Council completes the public hearing, the City Council shall approve, modify, or deny the development agreement. approval of a development agreement shall be by ordinance. The ordinance shall refer to and incorporate by reference the text of the development agreement.
(Ord. 4823, passed 1-22-24)