In approving a use permit, the Review Authority shall impose reasonable conditions or restrictions to achieve the following outcomes. The city reserves the
right to have conditions modified or added to address impacts greater than originally anticipated or new impacts not previously contemplated at the time of approval. The Review Authority may also require reasonable guarantees and evidence that such conditions are being, or will be, complied with.
   (A)   Ensure that the proposal conforms in all significant respects with the General Plan and with any other applicable plans or policies adopted by the City Council;
   (B)   Achieve the general purposes of this title or the specific purpose of the zone in which the project is located;
   (C)   Achieve the findings for a use permit listed in § 23.27.060; or;
   (D)   Mitigate any potentially significant impacts identified because of environmental review conducted in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act.
(Ord. 4823, passed 1-22-24)