When deciding to approve, approve with conditions, modify, revoke or deny any discretionary permit under this title, the review authority shall issue a notice of action and make findings of fact as required by this title.
   (A)   Date of action. The review authority shall decide to approve, modify, revoke, or deny any discretionary permit through the adoption of a resolution with findings following the close of the public hearing, or if no public hearing is required, within the time period set forth below. These deadlines do not apply to any action that has been appealed to the City Council in accordance with § 23.24.120. Time extensions may be granted pursuant to § 23.24.090.
      (1)   Project exempt from environmental review. Within 30 days of the date the city has determined an application to be complete, a determination must be made whether the project is exempt from Environmental Review per State CEQA requirements.
      (2)   Project for which a negative declaration or mitigated negative declaration is prepared. Within 60 days of the date a negative declaration or mitigated negative declaration has been completed and adopted for project approval, the city shall act on the accompanying discretionary project.
      (3)   Project for which an EIR is prepared. Within 180 days from the date the review authority certifies a final EIR, the city shall act on the accompanying discretionary project.
   (B)   Notice of action. After the Director or Planning Commission takes any action to approve,
modify, or deny an application that is subject to appeal under the terms of this title, the Director shall issue a notice of action. The notice shall describe the action taken, including any applicable conditions, and shall list the findings that were the basis for the decisions. The Director shall mail the notice to the applicant and to any other person or entity that has filed a written request for such notification with the Planning Division within five days of the decision being made.
   (C)   Findings. Findings, when required by state law or this title, shall be based upon consideration of the application, plans, testimony, reports, and other materials that constitute the administrative record and shall be stated in writing in the resolution or record of the action on the permit.
(Ord. 4823, passed 1-22-24)