Emergency shelters shall be developed and operated in compliance with the following.
   (A)   Purpose. These regulations are intended to establish procedures and standards for emergency shelters in compliance with state law and are not obtrusive or interfering to the general public or adjacent uses for emergency shelters pursuant to Cal. Gov't Code §§ 65583 and 65589.5.
   (B)   Development standards. 
      (1)   Maximum stay. No person shall stay within an emergency shelter for more than six months from the date of their acceptance into the emergency shelter. In addition, no person shall be re-admitted to the same emergency shelter within five calendar days of being discharged.
      (2)   Maximum number of beds. No more than 12 beds shall be provided on the entire property where the emergency shelter is to be located. Beds shall be provided for men and women in separate and secured areas. No such separation shall be required when beds are located in a bedroom intended for a single family.
      (3)   Maximum density. The maximum resident density shall be one resident per 150 square feet, up to a maximum of 12 residents.
      (4)   Waiting area. If the intake of clients occurs on-site there shall be provided an on-site client intake and waiting area in a location not adjacent to the public right-of-way, that is fully screened from public view, and provides consideration for weather events including shade and rain cover. The intake and waiting area shall be suitably sized to prevent queuing in the public right-of-way or within any parking lot, but shall occupy a maximum area of 400 square feet.
      (5)   Operating hours. Each emergency shelter shall establish and maintain set hours of operation for client intake and discharge. These hours shall be clearly displayed at the entrance to the emergency shelter at all times. In the event an emergency shelter client is socially disruptive, a threat to the safety of others or in violation of the emergency shelter facility rules during non-business hours of operation, the emergency shelter management may proceed with discharging that client immediately.
      (6)   Personal storage. A private storage area or closet shall be provided with each on-site bed.
      (7)   Personal space. A minimum of 30 square feet of personal space shall be allocated for each client bed.
      (8)   Restroom and shower facilities. A communal restroom facility with at least two toilets, one shower, and one sink shall be provided for every 12 clients residing at an emergency shelter.
      (9)   Common space. Interior and/or exterior common space for the on-site clients to congregate shall be provided on the property at a ratio of not less than 15 square feet per occupant or a minimum overall area of four hundred square feet, whichever is greater.
      (10)   Outdoor activities. For the purposes of noise abatement, outdoor activities may only be conducted between the hours of 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.
      (11)   Telephones. Each emergency shelter shall provide telephone(s) for the use of the on-site clients.
      (12)   Laundry facilities. The emergency shelter shall provide laundry facilities adequate for the number of clients.
      (13)   Outdoor storage. Any provision of on-site outdoor storage shall be fully screened from all public rights-of-way and on-site parking lots.
      (14)   Lighting. Each emergency shelter shall provide exterior lighting on pedestrian pathways and parking lots on the property for safety.
      (15)   Refuse. There shall be provided a refuse storage area that is completely enclosed with masonry walls not less than five feet high with a solid-gated opening and that is large enough to accommodate a standard sized trash bin adequate for the parcel. The refuse enclosure shall be accessible to refuse collection vehicles.
   (C)   Management and security plan. The emergency shelter operator shall submit a management and security plan for review and approval of the Director and the Alhambra Chief of Police. At minimum, the management and security plan shall address the following:
      (1)   Staffing plans, including the qualification and responsibilities of all staff members and the number and positions of employees on each shift.
         (a)   On-site personnel shall be provided during all hours of operation when clients are present.
         (b)   Service providers shall educate on-site staff to provide adequate knowledge and skills to assist clients in obtaining permanent shelter and income, including referrals to outside assistance agencies.
      (2)   Provisions for fencing, lighting, video cameras, and any other physical improvements intended to provide or enhance security for residents and staff.
      (3)   Screening processes of potential clients for admittance eligibility and daily admittance and discharge procedures.
         (a)   Procedures and policies for screening of potential residents to identify individuals who should be referred to medical facilities, residential care facilities, other service agencies, or law enforcement.
         (b)   A designated area for on-site personnel shall be located near the main entry to the facility for the purpose of controlling admittance into the facility and providing security.
         (c)   The emergency shelter operator shall not intake any person as a client of the emergency shelter that the operator knows is wanted by the police or knows has been convicted of committing any violent offense.
         (d)   The emergency shelter operator shall also conduct a background check on all prospective clients using the Megan's Law database and restrict client intake in accordance with state and local registered sex offender residency restrictions.
      (4)   Service providers shall maintain up-to-date information and referral sheets to give clients and other persons who cannot be served by the establishment.
      (5)   Service providers shall continuously monitor waiting areas to inform prospective clients whether they can be served within a reasonable time. If they cannot be served by the provider because of time or resource constraints, staff shall make information available to the client of alternative programs and locations where they may seek similar service.
      (6)   Service providers shall provide for the timely removal of litter attributable to clients on the property and adjacent property under the control of the service provider.
      (7)   At no time shall any client of an emergency shelter be allowed to keep on-site any alcoholic beverages or store any type of illegal substances, illegal drugs, and/or weapons of any kind. The manager of the emergency shelter shall conduct routine inspections of each on-site client's personal space to verify compliance and report to the Alhambra Police Department any client that is found in possession of illegal substances, illegal drugs, and/or weapons of any kind.
      (8)   Service providers shall provide the city with the contact information for an individual with the authority to address operational issues.
   (D)   Compliance with other applicable codes and regulations. Each emergency shelter shall comply with all applicable local and state health and safety codes such as, but not limited to, the California Building Code, California Fire Code, and California Health and Safety Code.
(Ord. 4823, passed 1-22-24)