§ 23.21.100 TEMPORARY SIGNS.
   Any temporary sign, banner, balloon, pennant, or advertising display that are not otherwise exempt pursuant to § 23.21.040 may be erected and located in accordance with the following standards.
   (A)   Temporary event association required. Temporary signs shall be associated with an event of limited duration including, but not limited to, opening of a new business, new services, new ownership, promotional sales, construction, limited time offers, entertainment, and special events.
   (B)   Time limits, display duration and frequency.
      (1)   Temporary signs may be displayed for a maximum display period of 60 consecutive days, with a minimum of 30 days between the time temporary signage associated with an event is removed and any other temporary sign may be displayed.
      (2)   Temporary signs shall be removed within 14 days after the conclusion of the event served by the sign.
      (3)   Exceptions, banner signs.
         (a)   Banner signs for new business exception. Banner signs intended to promote the opening of a new business (e.g. "coming soon," "grand opening," "employment opportunities," and the like), and displayed without the lapse of a period of at least 30 consecutive days since the removal of any previous temporary signage also intended to promote the opening of a new business, shall be allowed subject to Director approval.
         (b)   Banner signs for a property listed for sale or a vacant building or unit listed for lease exception. Banner signs for the active advertisement of a property listed for sale, a vacant building, or unit listed for lease, shall be allowed without a display duration time limit subject to Director approval.
   (C)   Maximum number of temporary sign types. No more than two different types of temporary signs may be displayed on any one site at any one time.
   (D)   Temporary sign types. Only the following temporary sign types are allowed, provided that they conform to the standards of this section and the following.
      (1)   Banner signs.
         (a)   Maximum allowable sign area. Two square feet per linear foot of primary building frontage upon which the sign is placed.
         (b)   Maximum number. One banner sign per building frontage not to exceed two banner signs per site.
         (c)   Materials. Banner signs must be made of pliable, weather-resistant, and durable material.
         (d)   Location. 
            1.   Shall be located on private property and attached to the building façade where the applicant's business is located.
            2.   Shall not be displayed on the roof, cover any window or storefront glass, obstruct the visibility of any other building sign, or extend above the parapet line of the building.
            3.   Shall not be displayed in the landscape area, parking lot or fence, unless the applicant's business site is under active construction or site features renders sign placement on the building physically infeasible, subject to discretionary approval by the Director.
         (e)   Attachment. Banner signs shall be secured to the building facade with screws so as not to cause any safety hazards, obstructions or constitute a nuisance.
      (2)   Portable signs. 
         (a)   Maximum allowable sign area. 20 square feet.
         (b)   Maximum height. Five feet above grade.
         (c)   Maximum number. One per business.
         (d)   Location. Not to be located on or project over public right-of-way or public property, shall not obstruct required pathways, and must be placed immediately adjacent to the business to which it pertains.
      (3)   Temporary window signs. Any sign applied directly on the interior or exterior of a transparent window by use of tempera or similar paint medium or professionally printed signs or posters constructed on or of paper or similar material and displayed in or on a window or door area that are displayed for less than 60 consecutive days. Window signs displayed for 60 consecutive days or more are subject to the standards for permanent window signs in § 23.21.090(E).
         (a)   Maximum allowable sign area. 10% of the total translucent or transparent window and door area visible from the exterior of the building.
         (b)   Location. Temporary window signs shall not be placed on windows higher than the second story.
      (4)   Balloons. Balloons, including large-scale promotional balloons are subject to the following additional standards.
         (a)   Balloons, windblown devices and other similar inflatable displays, provided such signs are displayed only on Fridays, weekends or holidays and do not project over public property. All such signs shall be removed no later than noon on Monday (if displayed on a Friday or weekend) or noon on the day following the holiday, unless the holiday is a Thursday or Friday, in which case the display shall be removed no later than noon on Monday. Failure to timely remove such displays shall be a misdemeanor. Displays remaining after these removal deadlines and displays which float from the property to get stuck or come to rest on other private or public property shall be a public nuisance, and the costs for removal thereof shall be recoverable by the city.
         (b)   Temporary large-scale promotional balloons (e.g., roof mounted hot air balloons) in any zone, provided there shall be no more than four such promotions in any calendar year, that such promotions are not conducted for a period of more than seven consecutive days, that such promotions are related to merchandise or services which are customarily available on the premises, and that such premises are utilized for a permanently established business;
         (c)   Temporary large-scale promotional balloons (e.g., roof mounted hot air balloons) in the AC and CMU Districts, which shall meet the following standards:
            1.   That there shall be no more than one such promotion in any 90-day period;
            2.   That such promotion is conducted for a period of not more than 45 consecutive days;
            3.   That such promotion is related to merchandise or services customarily available on the premises;
            4.   That such premises are utilized for a permanently established vehicle sales business on premises not less than 20,000 square feet in lot area; and
            5.   That the large-scale promotional balloons are subject to the approval of the Director of Community Development.
(Ord. 4823, passed 1-22-24)