(A)   Applicable codes. In addition to complying with the provisions of this section, all signs must be constructed in accordance with the Uniform Building Code, the Uniform Sign Code, the Electrical Code, and all other applicable laws, rules, regulations, and policies.
   (B)   Changes to copy of approved signs. Changes to the copy of approved signs that were legally established and have not been modified to become illegal are exempt from permitting pursuant to this title. Changes to copy do not include changes to the type or level of illumination of an approved sign.
   (C)   Non-commercial signs. Non-commercial signs are allowed wherever commercial signage is permitted and are subject to the same standards and total maximum allowances per site or building of each sign type specified in this chapter.
   (D)   Sign materials. All signs shall be made of sturdy, durable materials.
      (1)   Paper, cardboard, and similar materials. Paper, cardboard, and similar materials subject to rapid deterioration shall be limited to temporary signs.
      (2)   Fabric. Fabric materials shall be limited to awnings, canopies, flags, and temporary signs.
   (E)   Changeable copy. 
      (1)   Manual changeable copy. Manually changeable copy shall represent no more than 50% of the sign area.
   (F)   Encroachment. Signs mounted on private property shall not project into or above public property or the public right-of-way unless an encroachment permit is granted by the Public Works Department.
(Ord. 4823, passed 1-22-24)