§ 23.21.050 PROHIBITIONS.
   All signs not specifically permitted, excepted or exempted from the regulations in this chapter are prohibited. Such signs shall include, but not be limited to, the following:
   (A)   Animated, blinking or flashing signs, except barber shop poles and time and temperature signs;
   (B)   Billboard signs;
   (C)   Flags, pennants and streamers;
   (D)   Moving or revolving signs, except barber shop poles;
   (E)   Portable signs, unless approved by a temporary use permit;
   (F)   Roof signs;
   (G)   Permanent windblown devices and balloons;
   (H)   Fence signs;
   (I)   Any sign constructed on or of paper or similar material which makes use of chalk, felt pen, fluorescent paint, grease pencil, or similar medium;
   (J)   Any sign applied directly on the interior or exterior of a translucent or transparent surface including windows and doors by the use of chalk, felt pen, tempera, grease pencil or similar medium (seasonal holiday displays of a non-advertising nature that are displayed for no more than 30 days are excepted);
   (K)   Wall signs in which the sign face is contained within a box constructed of metal, wood, plastic, or other similar material;
   (L)   Signs in the public right-of-way and on public property, except governmental signs, signage on city-approved transit shelters, and real estate open house signs as specified in this chapter;
   (M)   Signs placed, located, or displayed in such a manner as to constitute a traffic or pedestrian safety hazard including:
      (1)   Signs that obstruct use of any door, window, or fire escape.
      (2)   Signs that impede normal pedestrian use of public sidewalks. A minimum unobstructed width of four feet must always be maintained.
      (3)   Signs that constitute a traffic hazard or obstruct the view of traffic, any authorized traffic sign, or signal device.
      (4)   Signs that create confusion or conflict with any authorized traffic sign or signal device due to color, location, wording, or use of specific phrases, symbols, or characters.
   (N)   Signs displaying a commercial message promoting a business that is a prohibited use and has not been established as a legal nonconforming use;
   (O)   Unauthorized signs placed on private or public property without the permission of the property owner.
(Ord. 4823, passed 1-22-24)