§ 23.20.070 BICYCLE PARKING.
   (A)   Short-term bicycle parking. Short-term bicycle parking intended to serve shoppers, customers, messengers, guests and other visitors to a site who generally stay for a short time, shall be provided as specified below.
      (1)   Parking spaces required. Short-term bicycle parking spaces shall be provided at a rate of 20% of the number of required automobile parking spaces, with a minimum of four short-term bicycle parking spaces provided per establishment.
      (2)   Location. Short-term bicycle parking must be located within 50 feet of a main entrance to the building it serves. Where the bicycle parking area is not visible from the main entrance of the building, signs located at the main entrance of the building shall identify the location of bicycle parking.
      (3)   Anchoring and security. For each short-term bicycle parking space required, a stationary, securely anchored object shall be provided to which a bicycle frame and one wheel (two points of contact) can be secured. One such object may serve multiple bicycle parking spaces.
      (4)   Size and accessibility. Each short-term bicycle parking space shall be a minimum of two feet in width and six feet in length and shall be accessible without moving another bicycle. Two feet of clearance shall be provided between bicycle parking spaces and adjacent walls, poles, landscaping, street furniture, drive aisles, and pedestrian ways and at least five feet from vehicle parking spaces.
   (B)   Long-term bicycle parking. Long-term bicycle parking shall be provided in order to serve employees, students, residents, commuters, and others who generally stay at a site for four hours or longer.
      (1)   Parking spaces required. 
         (a)   Residential uses. A minimum of one long-term bicycle parking space shall be provided for every five units for multi-unit residential, group residential, and single room occupancy.
         (b)   Other uses. Any establishment with 25 or more full time equivalent employees shall provide long-term bicycle parking at a minimum ratio of one space per 25 vehicle spaces.
         (c)   Parking structures. Long-term bicycle parking shall be provided at a minimum ratio of one space per 50 vehicle spaces.
      (2)   Location. Long-term bicycle parking must be located on the same lot as the use it serves and near the facility entrance. In parking garages, long-term bicycle parking must be located near an entrance to the facility. Where the bicycle parking area is not visible from the entrance of the building, signs located at the entrance or in an entry lobby of the building shall identify the location of bicycle parking.
      (3)   Covered spaces. At least 50% of required long-term bicycle parking must be covered. Covered parking can be provided inside buildings, under roof overhangs or awnings, in bicycle lockers, or within or under other structures.
      (4)   Security. Long-term bicycle parking must be in:
         (a)   An enclosed bicycle locker;
         (b)   A fenced, covered, locked or guarded bicycle storage area;
         (c)   A rack or stand inside a building that is within view of an attendant or security guard or visible from employee work areas or within secure/restricted bicycle storage room; or
         (d)   Other secure area approved by the Director.
      (5)   Size and accessibility. Each bicycle parking space shall be a minimum of two feet in width and six feet in length and shall be accessible without moving another bicycle. Two feet of clearance shall be provided between bicycle parking spaces and adjacent walls, poles, landscaping, street furniture, drive aisles, and pedestrian ways and at least five feet from vehicle parking spaces.
      (6)   Bicycle parking reductions and modifications. A modification for a reduction in the number of required bicycle parking spaces or to other standards of this section may be granted pursuant to Chapter 23.29, if the Review Authority finds that:
         (a)   Adequate site space is not available on an existing development to provide bicycle parking; or
         (b)   Reduced bicycle parking is justified by reasonably anticipated demand; or
         (c)   Other criteria based on unusual or specific circumstances of the particular case as deemed appropriate by the review authority.
(Ord. 4823, passed 1-22-24)