The purposes of the parking and loading regulations are to:
(A) Require parking spaces and loading spaces for all land uses that are sufficient in number, size, and arrangement;
(B) Minimize the negative environmental and urban design impacts that can result from parking lots, driveways, and drive aisles within parking lots;
(C) Ensure that adequate off-street bicycle parking facilities are provided;
(D) Establish standards and regulations for safe and well-designed parking, unloading, and vehicle circulation areas that minimize conflicts between pedestrian and vehicles within parking lots and, where appropriate, create buffers from surrounding land uses; and
(E) Offer flexible means of minimizing the amount of area devoted to parking by allowing reductions in the number of required spaces in
transit-served locations, shared parking facilities, and other situations expected to have lower vehicle parking demand.
(Ord. 4823, passed 1-22-24)