§ 23.15.030 DEFINITIONS.
   For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   ADJUSTED FOR HOUSEHOLD SIZE. APPROPRIATE FOR THE UNIT. A household of one person in the case of a studio unit, two persons in the case of a one-bedroom unit, three persons in the case of a two-bedroom unit, four persons in the case of a three-bedroom unit, and five persons in the case of a four-bedroom unit.
   AFFORDABLE HOUSING COST. The total housing costs paid by a qualifying household, which shall not exceed a specified fraction of their gross income, adjusted for household size appropriate for the unit, as follows:
      (1)   Very low income households, rental units: 30% of 50%of the Los Angeles County median income.
      (2)   Low income households, rental or for-sale units: 30% of 80% of the Los Angeles County median income.
      (3)   Moderate income households, for sale units: 40% of 110% of the Los Angeles County median income.
      (4)   Moderate income households, rental units: 30% of 120% of the Los Angeles County median income.
   DEVELOPER. Any person, firm, partnership, association, joint venture, corporation, or any entity or combination of entities, which seeks city approvals for all or part of a residential development.
   DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT. An agreement entered into between the city and a developer pursuant to Cal. Gov’t Code § 65864 and Chapter 23.32.
   DIRECTOR. The city's Director of Community Development Department or his or her designee.
   DISCRETIONARY APPROVAL. Any entitlement or approval pursuant to Title 23 of Alhambra Municipal Code, including but not limited to a use permit, variance, design approval, and subdivision map.
   INCLUSIONARY HOUSING AGREEMENT. A legally binding agreement between a developer and the city, in form and substance satisfactory to the Director and City Attorney, setting forth those provisions necessary to ensure that the requirements of this chapter, whether through the provision of inclusionary units or through an alternative method, are satisfied.
   INCLUSIONARY HOUSING PLAN. The plan referenced in § 23.15.070(A), and further described in the regulations, which sets forth the manner in which the requirements of this chapter will be implemented for a particular residential development.
   INCLUSIONARY HOUSING TRUST FUND. Shall have the meaning set forth in § 23.15.110.
   INCLUSIONARY UNIT. A dwelling unit that will be offered for rent or sale to low and moderate income households, at an affordable housing cost, pursuant to this chapter.
   LOW INCOME HOUSEHOLDS. Households whose gross income does not exceed 80% of the median income for Los Angeles County as determined annually by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.
   LOW INCOME UNITS, MODERATE INCOME UNITS, AND VERY LOW INCOME UNITS. Inclusionary units restricted to occupancy by low, moderate, or very low income households, respectively, at an affordable housing cost.
   MARKET RATE UNITS. Those dwelling units in a residential development that are not inclusionary units.
   MODERATE INCOME HOUSEHOLDS. Households whose gross income does not exceed 120% of the median income for Los Angeles County as determined annually by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.
   REGULATIONS. The regulations adopted by the City Council pursuant to § 23.15.100 for the implementation and enforcement of the provisions of this chapter.
   SUBSTANTIAL REHABILITATION OR SUBSTANTIALLY REHABILITATED. The rehabilitation of a dwelling unit(s) that has substantial building and other code violations, and has been vacant for at least six months, such that the unit is returned to the city's housing supply as decent, safe, and sanitary housing, and the cost of such work exceeds $40,000 per unit, as that amount may be adjusted for inflation pursuant to the regulations.
   TOTAL HOUSING COSTS. The total monthly or annual recurring expenses required of a household to obtain shelter. For a rental unit, TOTAL HOUSING COSTS include the monthly rent payment and utilities. For an ownership unit, TOTAL HOUSING COSTS include the mortgage payment (principal and interest), utilities, homeowner's association dues, taxes, mortgage insurance and any other related assessments.
   VERY LOW INCOME HOUSEHOLDS. Households whose gross income is equal to 50% or less of the median income for Los Angeles County as determined annually by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.
(Ord. 4823, passed 1-22-24)