(A)   Open space requirements, residential uses. Open space shall be provided in compliance with the standards of this section. No portion of required open space shall be used for driveways or off-street vehicle parking and loading facilities, nor may one area of open space be double counted as satisfying the requirements of multiple types of required open space. However, the area provided to meet the open space requirement may count toward other site requirements such as landscaping, amenities, and stormwater
retention and control if the area provided as open space also meets the criteria of those individual requirements.
      (1)   Amount of open space. The amount of required open space shall be equal to a minimum of 300 square feet for each unit. A minimum of 150 square feet per unit shall be provided as common open space. The balance of the required open space may be provided as private or common open space.
         (a)   Single room occupancy (SROs). Single room occupancy developments shall provide 15 square feet of open space per unit, which may be provided as private or common open space.
      (2)   Common open space. Common open space provides permanent amenity or recreation areas with shared access for all building occupants. Common open space includes but is not limited to courtyards, terraces, forecourts, gardens, outdoor dining areas, plazas, landscaped areas, patios, swimming pools, barbeque areas, athletic courts or fields, playgrounds, recreation areas, gardens, rooftop amenities, urban furniture, family friendly uses, shade structures, and other similar common areas intended for shared use by building occupants. Common open space also includes indoor activity and amenity space that is accessible and available to all building occupants. Common open space shall be provided to the satisfaction of the Community Development Director.
         (a)   Required setbacks. Common open space shall be located outside of front and street side setbacks.
         (b)   Minimum dimensions. Common open space shall have a minimum dimension of 15 feet in all directions, except common indoor recreation/office uses.
         (c)   Surfacing. Outdoor common open space shall be surfaced in a manner that allows convenient use for outdoor living and/or recreation. Such surface may be any practicable combination of lawn, garden, flagstone, wood planking, concrete, decking, or other serviceable, dust-free surfacing.
            1.   Maximum slope. Slopes shall not exceed 10%.
         (d)   Required amenities. Recreational amenities shall be required on all projects of four or more units. The amenities shall include one or more of the following: swimming pool, spa, recreation room with ping pong table and lounge furniture or billiard table, children's play equipment, barbecue and picnic table, tennis court, bocce ball, weight room or sauna, pet friendly amenities including but not limited to drink stations, dog walks/parks, etc., or other similar amenities
         (e)   Maintenance. Common indoor and outdoor open space shall be controlled and permanently maintained by the owner of the property, or by a homeowners' association. Provisions for such control and maintenance shall be included in the covenants, conditions and restrictions.
      (3)   Private open space. Private open space provides open space areas for the exclusive use of the occupants of a single dwelling unit and includes but is not limited to balconies, decks, terraces, patios, fenced yards, and other similar private areas.
         (a)   Minimum dimensions. Private open space located on the ground level (e.g., yards, decks, patios) shall have no dimension less than eight feet. Private open space located above ground level (e.g., balconies) shall have no dimension less than five feet.
         (b)   Accessibility. Private open space shall be accessible to only one dwelling unit by a doorway to a habitable room or hallway.
         (c)   Surfacing. A surface shall be provided that allows convenient use for outdoor living and/or recreation. Such surface may be any practicable combination of lawn, garden, flagstone,
wood planking, concrete, or other serviceable, dust-free surfacing. Slope shall not exceed 10%.
   (B)   Limitations on location of parking. Above ground parking and structured parking, including partially submerged or underground parking with three or more feet above ground shall be located a minimum of 40 feet from the primary street facing property line. The Director may approve a modification where one of the following findings may be made:
      (1)   The design incorporates conditioned, usable space built close to the public sidewalk to the maximum extent feasible; and
      (2)   The site is physically constrained such that underground parking or above ground parking located more than 40 feet from the primary street frontage is not feasible.
   (C)   Pedestrian access. On-site pedestrian circulation and access shall be provided according to the following standards.
      (1)   Internal connections. A system of pedestrian walkways shall connect all buildings on a site to each other, to on-site automobile and bicycle parking areas, and to any on-site open space areas or pedestrian amenities.
      (2)   Circulation network. On-site walkways shall be connected to the public sidewalk and other planned or existing pedestrian routes. An on-site walkway shall connect the primary building entry or entries to a public sidewalk on each street frontage.
      (3)   Pedestrian walkway design. Walkways shall be a minimum of four feet wide, shall be hard-surfaced, and paved with concrete, stone, tile, brick, or comparable material.
(Ord. 4823, passed 1-22-24)