§ 23.12.130 SCREENING.
   (A)   Applicability. The standards of this section apply to all new development and additions that expand existing floor area by 10% or more.
      (1)   Exceptions. Modifications to the standards of this section may be granted pursuant to Chapter 23.29, where the Review Authority finds that the characteristics particular to the property or vicinity would render the required fencing or screening unnecessary or ineffective.
   (B)   Required screening. 
      (1)   Roof-mounted equipment and duct systems. All roof-mounted equipment shall be screened according to the following standards:
         (a)   Flat roof, partial or no parapet. Roof-mounted equipment or ducts located on a flat roof (partial or no parapet) shall be screened from view from any street, public right-of-way or adjacent property. The screening shall be solid match and complement the color scheme and architecture of the building.
         (b)   Pitched roof. For roof-mounted equipment or ducts located on a pitched roof, the pitched roof shall be designed and constructed to accommodate roof-mounted equipment. A platform shall be constructed and recessed into the roof such that one side of the equipment shall be below the pitch of the roof. The remainder of the equipment and ducts which are above the roof pitch shall be screened from view from any street, public right-of-way or adjacent property. The screening shall be solid match and complement the color scheme and architecture of the building or roof.
         (c)   Parapet roof. For roof-mounted equipment or ducts located on a parapet roof, the parapet roof shall be designed and constructed to accommodate roof-mounted equipment. Any portion of the equipment or ducts which are above the parapet
shall be screened from view from any street, public right-of-way or adjacent property. The screening shall be solid and match and complement the color scheme and architecture of the building.
      (2)   Ground- or wall-mounted equipment. All exterior mechanical and electrical equipment shall be screened or incorporated into the design of buildings so as not to be visible from public rights-of-way. Equipment to be screened includes, but is not limited to, air conditioners, heaters, pool equipment, utility meters, cable equipment, telephone entry boxes, backflow preventions, irrigation control valves, electrical transformers, pull boxes, and all ducting for air conditioning, heating, and blower systems. Screening materials shall be consistent with the exterior colors and materials of the building. Exceptions may be granted by the Director where screening is infeasible due to health and safety or utility requirements.
      (3)   Common property lines. A screening wall shall be provided on the interior lot lines of any lot in a Commercial or Employment Zoning District that abuts a Residential District.
         (a)   Timing. The screening wall shall be provided at the time of new construction or expansion of buildings, or changes from one use classification to another use classification.
         (b)   Location. Screening walls shall follow the lot line of the lot to be screened unless the Director finds that screening in another location on the lot will substantially screen the subject building, facility, or activity.
         (c)   Height. The screening wall shall be four feet in height within the required front setback of the subject lot and adjacent to the required front setback of the adjacent residential lot and six feet in height in other locations.
         (d)   Materials. The screening wall shall be solid masonry. All wall faces within the front setback and the wall face facing the Residential District shall not be constructed from grey smooth block unless architecturally treated (i.e. sand finish stucco, veneer, etc.) and shall be architecturally compatible with the residential development.
   (C)   Maintenance. Screening walls shall be maintained in good repair, including painting, if required, and shall be kept free of litter or advertising. Where hedges are used as screening, trimming or pruning shall be employed as necessary to maintain the required and the maximum allowed height.
(Ord. 4823, passed 1-22-24)