(A)   Amended plans. Amendments to a PD Overlay District or PD Plan may be requested by the applicant or its successors. Amendments to the approved plan shall be classified as major or minor amendments. Upon receipt of an amendment application, the Community Development Director shall determine if the proposed amendment constitutes a major or minor amendment.
   (B)   Major amendments. Major amendments to an approved PD Overlay District or PD Plan shall be considered by the City Council at a duly noticed public hearing. An amendment will be deemed major if it involves one or more of the following changes.
      (1)   A change in the boundary of the PD Overlay District;
      (2)   An increase or decrease in the number of dwelling units for the PD Overlay District that is greater than the maximum or less than the minimum stated in the PD Plan;
      (3)   An increase or decrease in the floor area for any non-residential land use that results in the floor area exceeding the minimum or maximum stated in the PD Plan;
      (4)   Any change in land use or density that is likely to negatively impact or burden public facilities and utilities infrastructure;
      (5)   Any change in land use or density that is likely to negatively impact or burden circulation adjacent to the PD Overlay District or to the overall major street system; or
      (6)   Any other proposed change to the PD Plan or the conditions of approval that substantively alters one or more of its components as determined by the Community Development Director.
   (C)   Minor amendments. Amendments not meeting one or more of the criteria listed in division (B) above shall be considered minor if they are consistent with and would not change any original condition of approval. Minor amendments may be approved by the Community Development Director.
(Ord. 4823, passed 1-22-24)