(A)   Expiration.
      (1)   PD Plan. A PD Plan shall expire two years after the effective date unless actions specified in the conditions of approval have been taken, or a building permit has been issued and construction diligently pursued. An approved PD Plan may specify a development staging program exceeding two years.
      (2)   Tentative subdivision map. Where a tentative subdivision map has been approved in conjunction with a PD Plan, the PD Plan shall expire upon the expiration of the tentative map.
      (3)   Phased development. If the applicant intends to develop the project in phases, and the Review Authority approves phased development, the PD Plan shall remain in effect so long as not more than one-year lapses between the end of one phase and the beginning of the next phase.
   (B)   Extension. The Community Development Director may approve extensions of time for PD Plans, including those approved by the Planning Commission or City Council, in accordance with the following:
      (1)   Such extensions shall be approved only when it is found that the circumstances under which the permits were granted have not substantially changed.
      (2)   Such extensions shall be approved for not more than two years.
(Ord. 4823, passed 1-22-24)