§ 23.11.050 PROCEDURES.
   (A)   Review authority. A PD Overlay District must be adopted by the City Council. A public hearing before the Planning Commission is required prior to City Council review; and the Planning Commission shall make a recommendation to the City Council.
   (B)   Review procedures.
      (1)   PD Overlay District. An application for a PD Overlay District shall be processed as an amendment to the Zoning Map, according to the procedures of Chapter 23.33 and Zoning Map, and shall include a PD Plan.
      (2)   PD Plan. The PD Plan shall be processed in the same manner as a conditional use permit application, pursuant to Chapter 23.27, except the City Council shall be the review authority.
      (3)   Tentative Subdivision Map. When a PD requires the submission of a tentative subdivision map, this map and all supporting documents shall be prepared and submitted concurrently with the application of the PD.
   (C)   Initiation. An application for a PD Overlay District may be initiated by any qualified applicant identified in § 23.24.020, the Community Development Director, or by a motion of the City Council or Planning Commission. If the property is not under a single ownership, all owners must join the application, and a map showing the extent of ownership shall be submitted with the application.
   (D)   Application contents. A qualified applicant shall apply for a PD Overlay District on a form prescribed by the Planning Division accompanied by the required fee. The Planning Division may require an applicant to submit additional information and supporting data as considered necessary to process the application.
(Ord. 4823, passed 1-22-24)