(A)   The purposes of the Public and Semi-Public Zoning Districts are to:
      (1)   Provide land for the development of public, semi-public, recreational, and public parking uses that provide services to the community and support existing and new residential, commercial, and industrial land uses;
      (2)   Provide areas for educational facilities, cultural and institutional uses, health services, parks and recreation, general government operations, utility and public service needs, and other similar and related supporting uses; and
      (3)   Provide opportunities for outdoor recreation and meet the recreational needs of city residents.
   (B)   Additional purposes of each Public and Semi-Public Zoning District.
      (1)   Public Facilities (PF). The PF Zone is intended to provide for a broad range of government, institutional, educational, and other facilities operated and under the control of a public agency. The PF Zone implements the Public Facilities and Institutional General Plan land use designations.
      (2)   Open Space (OS). The OS Zone is intended to provide and maintain areas for open space and active and passive park and recreation, including areas for natural resource, scenic, or historic preservation and outdoor and indoor recreation such as playing fields, playgrounds, community centers, and other recreational uses. The OS Zone implements the Open Space General Plan land use designation.
(Ord. 4823, passed 1-22-24)