(A)   The purposes of the Commercial Zoning Districts are to:
      (1)   Provide for the orderly, well-planned, and balanced development of commercial areas;
      (2)   Designate adequate land for a full range of local- and regional-serving commercial and retail services, consistent with the General Plan;
      (3)   Maintain and strengthen the city's economic resources;
      (4)   Increase employment opportunities and expand the economic base of the city;
      (5)   Provide appropriately-located areas that provide a variety of goods and services for residents, employees, and visitors;
      (6)   Provide opportunities for a mix of complementary uses that may combine residential and non-residential uses, or a variety of non-residential uses, on the same site; and
      (7)   Promote pedestrian-oriented, mixed-use commercial nodes and corridors at appropriate locations.
   (B)   Additional purposes of each Commercial Zoning District.
      (1)   Central Business District (CBD). The CBD Zone is intended to preserve and enhance a central, focal downtown area, providing a multi-purpose residential and commercial district that meets the service needs of surrounding neighborhoods. The CBD Zone implements the Central Business District General Plan land use designation.
      (2)   East Main Commercial (EMC). The EMC Zone is intended to provide areas for a mix of commercial, professional, and residential uses along the East Main Street corridor. Zone regulations are intended to foster a vibrant corridor with active ground floor uses in buildings designed in an appropriate relationship to the scale and character of adjacent neighborhoods. The EMC Zone implements the General Commercial General Plan land use designation.
      (3)   Commercial Mixed-Use (CMU). The CMU Zone is intended to provide areas for a broad range of retail and service commercial activities, as well as office and residential uses that support retail and commercial uses. This Zone provides for developments that include a mix of residential and/or office and commercial development or single use commercial or retail development. The CMU Zone implements the General Commercial General Plan land use designation.
      (4)   Automotive Commercial (AC). The AC Zone is intended to provide a cohesive environment for the display, sale, and servicing of motor vehicles; support uses and designs that enhance the automotive environment; and attract new auto-related business. The AC Zone implements the Automotive Commercial General Plan land use designation.
(Ord. 4823, passed 1-22-24)