(A)   Review by City Engineer. The City Engineer shall review the final map and all improvement agreements, and the subdivider's engineer or surveyor shall make corrections and/or additions until the map is acceptable to the City Engineer. The City Engineer shall also ensure that all required certificates and statements have been signed and, where required, acknowledged.
   (B)   Review by Director of Community Development. The Director of Community Development shall ensure that all other conditions of the tentative map approval have been met.
   (C)   Prior to approval of the final map by the City Engineer, the subdivider shall provide sufficient evidence of compliance with the provisions of Cal. Gov't Code Chapter 4, Article 8, with respect to required security for taxes and special assessments not yet payable.
   (D)   The final map shall be deemed filed, for the purpose of establishing the time limit for action on the final map by the City Council, as of the date the final map is approved and executed by both the City Engineer and the Director of Community Development and filed with the City Clerk.
   (E)   Approval by City Council. Upon execution by the City Engineer and the Director of Community Development, the final map, along the undertaking agreement, shall be placed on the Council agenda for their approval. The City Council shall consider the final map for approval within ten days after filing with the City Clerk, or at its next regular meeting at which it receives the map, whichever is later. The City Council shall have approved the undertaking agreement before approving the final map.
      (1)   If the undertaking agreement and final map are approved by the City Council, it shall instruct the Mayor to execute the agreement on behalf of the city. If the undertaking agreement and/or final map is unacceptable, the Council shall recommend corrections, instruct the City Engineer to draft a new agreement and/or revise the final map and defer approval until after an acceptable agreement and/or final map has been resubmitted.
      (2)   Offers of dedication shall be accepted, subject to improvement or rejected by the City Council, at the time of approval of the final map. The City Clerk shall certify or state on the map, the action of the City Council. The City Council may also designate an officer of the county, to accept into the county road system pursuant to Cal Sts. & High. Code § 941, any road for which an offer of dedica-tion has been accepted or accepted subject to improvements. Rejected offers shall remain open and shall terminate as specified in Cal. Gov't Code § 66477.2. Acceptance of offers of dedication on a final map shall not be effective until the final map is filed in the office of the County Recorder, or a resolution of acceptance by the City Council is filed with the County Recorder's office.
   (F)   Denial by City Council. The City Council may deny approval of the final map as provided for in the Map Act.
   (G)   Filing with the County Recorder. Upon approval of the final map by the City Council, the City Clerk shall execute the appropriate certificate on the certificate sheet and forward the map, or have an authorized agent forward the map to the Clerk of the County Board of Supervisors for transmittal to the County Recorder.
('86 Code, § (Ord. 4120, passed - - ; Am. Ord. 4735, passed 5-14-18)