§ 22.64.040 MAP SHEETS.
   (A)   General. Each map sheet shall bear the main title of the map, the scale, north point and sheet number and designation of the relation, if any, between that sheet and each other sheet comprising the map.
   (B)   Lot numbers and area.  
      (1)   All lots shall be numbered and numbers shall begin with the numeral “1” and continue con-secutively without omission or duplication throughout the entire map. No prefix or suffix or combination of letter and number shall be used. Each lot shall be shown entirely on one map sheet.
      (2)   Upon each lot containing an area of ¾-acre or more shall have designated on the map sheet, the acreage of the lot to the nearest 1/100 of an acre.
   (C)   Lot, block and boundary lines.  
      (1)   The bearing and length of each lot, block, and boundary line shall be shown on the map provided, however, when bearings of lot lines in a series of lots are the same, the bearings may be omitted from each interior, parallel lot line of the series. Each required bearing or length shall be shown in full and no ditto mark or other designation of repetition shall be used.
      (2)   The arc length, radius and total central angle or bearings of terminal radii of each curve and the bearing of each radial line to each lot corner of each curve, or the central angle of each segment within each lot, shall be shown.
   (D)   Centerlines and widths of streets, alleys, and other ways.
      (1)   The centerline, the total width, and the total fractional widths on each side of the centerline of each street, alley or other way shall appear on the sheets. The bearing and length of each tangent and radius, central angle and arc length of each curve shall also be shown on each centerline.
      (2)   The map sheets shall also show the following widths and fractional widths or right-of-way when dedications are to be made on the map:
         (a)   The total width dedicated prior to the recording of such map; and
         (b)   The width of additional strips to be dedicated by such map.
   (E)   Street names. The approved names including the word “Avenue,” “Street,” “Place” or other approved street designation shall be shown on the map sheet. Such names and designations shall be shown in, or arrowed into, the newly dedicated portion and any existing portion of the street. No numerals or abbreviations shall be used in delineating street names.
   (F)   Rights-of-way and easements. All rights-of-way and easements which are a burden upon the land and lots within the division of land or reversion to acreage or which are required as a condition precedent to the filing of the map shall be shown on the map sheets and shall conform to the following:
      (1)   The centerline, sideline, width, and the length, bearing and sufficient ties thereto shall be shown, as necessary to definitely locate each right-of-way or easement. If the right-of-way or easement cannot be definitely located from the official records, a statement showing the existing of such right-of-way or easement shall be placed on the map.
      (2)   All rights-of-way or easements shall be delineated by a fine dashed line, excepting where such rights-of-way or easements are lots or series of lots; they shall be shown as such in conformance with the provisions of this chapter.
      (3)   Distances, bearings, and all other indications of measurements on the lot lines which are crossed by rights-of-way or easements shall be arrowed or otherwise shown so as to clearly indicate the actual length, bearing or measurement of each lot line.
      (4)   The rights-of-way or easements shall be clearly labeled and identified and, if on record, the record reference shall be shown thereon.
      (5)   Notes or figures pertaining to easements shall be subordinated in form and appearance to other notes or figures on the map sheets.
   (G)   City boundary lines. City boundary lines crossing or abutting the division of land or reversion to acreage shall be clearly designated and tied.
   (H)   Map boundary lines. The map boundary lines of the land included within the division of land or reversion to acreage shall be indicated by distinc-tive symbols and clearly so designated.
   (I)   Evidence determining boundary. In all cases where a survey is required for a map, each map sheet shall show fully and clearly evidence where there may be found on the ground the stakes, monuments and other evidence used to determine the boundaries of the division of land or reversion to acreage.
   (J)   Each stake, monument or other object found shall be fully described and referenced and the method used to establish each point or line shall be clearly shown and explained on the sheet. It shall also show and identify each adjacent corner or each adjoining parcel of land or portion thereof by lot and block number, number or name, and place of record, or by section, township, and range, or, where no such identifying data is available, by another approved designation sufficient to establish the relation with such adjoining parcels of land. In those cases where a parcel map is compiled from record data, the source of the information used shall be contained in a note on the parcel map.
('86 Code, § 22.64.040) (Ord. 4120, passed - - )