§ 22.64.020 TITLE SHEETS.
   (A)   The title sheet of each map, shall contain a title consisting of “Tract No.        (insert map number) for Final Maps. “Parcel Map No.     ” to (insert map number) for Parcel Maps, and a subtitle consisting of A Reversion to Acreage of         " (insert legal description of land being reverted), for reversion to acreage maps, along with the words “In the City of Alhambra” or “Partly in the City of Alhambra and partly in unincorporated territory” or “Partly in the City of Alhambra and partly in the City of         (Insert the name of the adjacent city), whichever is applicable. The title sheet shall also contain a subtitle consisting of a description of all the property in the division of land or reversion to acreage by reference to such map or maps of such property as shall have been previously recorded or filed in the office of the County Recorder, or filed with the County Clerk pursuant to a final judgment in any action in partition or flied in the office of the County Recorder pursuant to the Political Code of the state or by reference to the plat of any United States survey. Each reference in such subtitle to any record maps shall be worded and spelled identically with, and contain a complete reference to, the book and page of the original record thereof.
   (B)   The certificate of the surveyor or engineer, as required by the Subdivision Map Act, shall appear on the title sheet along with the date of any survey and the basis of bearings with a reference to a record satisfactory to the City Engineer, or a solar or polaris observation.
   (C)   If applicable, an acknowledgment of the owner's development lien shall be placed on the title sheet, pursuant to Cal. Gov't Code § 66434.1. The notary's official seal need not appear on the title sheet, provided that the notary's name, county of the notary's principal place of business and the notary's commission expiration date are typed or printed below the notary's signature on the acknowledgment.
   (D)   Title sheets may be prepared in a horizontal or vertical format, as approved by the City Engineer.
('86 Code, § 22.64.020) (Ord. 4120, passed - - )